Mega Movement
A new movement is developing and it has an acronym: MOOC.
MOOC stands for Massive Open Online Courses. How big it becomes is anyone’s guess but if it is free then it will attract legions.

Think Again
One of my friends encouraged me to get involved. He said he was taking Think Again: How to Read and Argue by Duke University. The platform is The courses here are currently free and lead to a certificate or Statement of Accomplishment. Music to my ears: Free and a certificate!

Coursera hosts free courses. That to me is a great incentive and attraction because I really don’t want to pay out money. In January 2013, there were over 200 courses listed on the coursera website ranging from genetics and history to cosmology. How long these courses will remain free is anyone’s guess.

2. Certificate
There is the possibility of a free certificate on completion.
The certification process adds an element of seriousness and standards if you choose to pursue the course for a certificate or a Statement of Accomplishment.

3. Multi Entry and Late Entry
My chosen course was Think Again but it had already started. I was late. No problem – you can join late. I joined this course after it started and was able to catch up. I was able to interact with other students in a Facebook Group and got all my silly questions about how to catch up and comply with the requirements answered.

4. No Limits
The other exciting aspect is that you can sign up for all of the courses if you so wish. There is no number limit although it would be sensible to just sign up for a few. I have signed up for courses that help me with thinking, writing and finance.

I really need to be able to think more deeply. I think from writing here, you can see I need to improve my writing. As for finance – I would like to try this – I know I doubt if I will finish these particular courses but I want to see if I have any ability when it comes to finance.
You can check out what I have signed up here:

5. Objectives
Vivian Ramstedt stated in the Think Again Facebook group as to why she was taking certain courses: “I am taking Galaxies and Cosmology next just to watch videos. Fundamentals of Personal Financial Planning for a certificate. And then, The Modern World: Global History since 1760 just to watch videos. Algebra and Pre-Calculus next hopefully for certificates.”
These are the real and measurable benefits of these courses. People are studying these courses for general knowledge and for educational credentials. All good reasons.

On the Go
In England we were always taught to have a book on the go. That may still be good advice but in the 21st century I would say always have a free course on the go. Take a look at what I am signed up for and get inspired. Let me know if you join me.

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