Before being born into this life, you made a plan of karmic lessons you wanted to learn while here. If you are to grow as a spiritual being, you need to check these lessons off your plan so that you can move forward. It is the nature of the Universe to give you plenty of opportunities to learn your life lessons. Consistently attracting the same kinds of experiences or relationships into your life is a perfect example of this. It is a bit unfortunate that people learn lessons best in stressful or negative situations. When you find yourself experiencing strong, negative emotions, here are some steps you can take to clear the negativity and learn a lesson at the same time.

1. Allow yourself to fully feel and express the emotion you are experiencing
Often, your first response to strong emotion is to suppress it for fear of what others might think or because you have been taught that it's wrong to express yourself. Before you can completely release and clear a negative emotion, you have to immerse yourself in it and completely feel it. By recognizing and giving acknowledgement to what you are feeling, you are giving yourself permission to release it.

2. Ask yourself why you're reacting so strongly
When talking about the Shadow, Dr Carl Jung said that the things you don't like in other people are the things you don't like within yourself. If someone else is triggering a strong, negative emotional response in you, look within to find out why. This step takes absolute honesty with yourself and the answer may not always be something you wish to see. What traits about yourself are being mirrored in the person causing your reaction?

3. Take responsibility for the feeling and the lesson
When you are consistently triggered by the same kinds of people or situations, there is a lesson that you are supposed to be learning. If you were completely truthful with yourself in step 2, you should know what the lesson is that you need to learn before you can release the emotion. In order to learn the lesson, you need to take responsibility for the feeling and the trigger. There is only one person in the world responsible for your emotions and reactions, and that is you. When you take complete responsibility for yourself, you empower yourself to let go of that which no longer serves you.

4. Release the emotion
Close your eyes and inhale deeply, then exhale slowly and allow the energy of the negative emotion to dissolve and dissipate. Cut the cord of attachment to the emotion and let it go. Visualize it leaving you and floating off into the Universe, or sinking into the Earth to be transmuted into positive energy. Sit with the peace and calm of being rid of all that negativity. You should now be able to meditate on the lesson involved in a more detached manner so that you can absorb it better.

5. Replace the energy
After releasing all of that negative emotion, you need to replace it with something else. Allow yourself to be filled with unconditional love for yourself, acceptance of all parts of yourself, and gratitude for learning the lesson successfully. Feel Divine Light and Love fill your entire being.

Whenever you find yourself in a situation or with a person who triggers a negative emotional response in you, go through these steps to clear your emotional field. Every time you successfully learn a lesson and release the emotion with it, you raise your vibration. As your energy raises, you will feel more and more positive, and will be triggered less and less often. You will also discover that you are less affected by stress and that you go through life much calmer and more at peace.

Author's Bio: 

Shela Skarp is a spiritual life coach and author from Eau Claire, Wisconsin. For over ten years, she has used her intuition and empathy skills to successfully help and advise people just like you in the areas of spirituality and shifting their mindset to create positive changes in their lives. Shela specializes in helping Lightworkers and holistic practitioners learn how to care for themselves so that they can better care for others. Visit today to sign up for your free Spotlight session and begin your own journey of self-care and peace.