I’ve always been a great fan of dancing, but I don’t dance much nowadays. The reason being I don’t like the modern dancing (if you can call it dancing). Most of my peers who danced the real stuff – the rock-and-roll, the twist, the fox-trot, and even the cha-cha – have all been relegated to the sidelines thanks to joint pain.

And in their place, we have the frenetic dancers of today with all those spasmodic movements. I hope this article will do its bit in helping some of those good old dance moves make a comeback. It will be good for me, it will be good for you, and if the younger generation sees a rock-and-roller in real life action, hopefully it will catch on and… rock-and-roll will be back.

Joint pain relief and management

So for starters, let me assure you, there can be life after joint pains. And I’m talking real, active, fun-filled life. The thing is, for most people joint pains lick the joints but bite the head. Really! I’m not joking.

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