Want to instantly upgrade your energy? Go where there are concentrated doses of goodness!

Environments are key in shifting your energy from ‘absence of’ to ‘appreciation for.’ When you’re feeling fizzled out and need to recharge with some gratitude vibes, shift your playground.

There’s no better way to soak up and revel in the abundance that Life has on display than to immerse yourself – body, mind and spirit – in the wonder and awe inspiring richness all around you.

Here are seven spots, sure to inspire and incite the grace of gratitude:

1. Natural Preserve. The natural world is a playground of infinite abundance. Visit your local natural preserve, hike the trails, visit with the wildlife and feel the raw beauty of the Earth, in all its splendor. Communing with the trees and soaking up the sounds of nature, will recalibrate your body and your being.

2. House of Worship. You can find a moment of respite from everyday worries and problems in your local house of worship. Sit quietly, soak in the sacredness, and breathe in the bliss. The collective intention and high frequency vibration of all the worshipers’ heart felt prayers and invocations, will easily deliver you into a moment of grace.

3. Botanical Gardens. Explore a tropical rainforest, dance through a desert, meander through marshlands. These orchestrated natural habitats are a microcosm of the infinite splendor of Mother Nature. Bask in the beauty and celebrate with her!

4. Museum. A day at the museum is as close as it gets to time travel. Visit with impressionist painters, walk through Roman arches and wonder at Egyptian sarcophagi. There is nothing like revisiting with history to get a sense of the epochs of mankind. The relics and remnants of ancient civilizations and foreign lands will easily remind you of the gifts of which you are a happy recipient.

5. Library. There is nothing like walking in the hallowed stacks of thousands of books to feel the collective wisdom of man. You might not be able to visit the Library at Alexandria, but your local library has a plethora of learning material at your disposal: books, periodicals, audios, videos and even access to the World Wide Web. Get grooving with your know how and acknowledge your appreciation for collective wisdom.

6. Historical Site. There is nothing like standing at the site of a turning point in time or heroic actions, especially if you are the direct beneficiary of the epic acts. Time travel and give thanks to those who their lives in service to future generations.

7. Zoo. Here you’ll find an exquisite variety of Life’s handiwork. Relish and enjoy the animals from near and far and imagine what it’s like to be in the wilds. From your perch, right outside their natural environ, you’ll get a peek into the wildlife of savannahs and forests and an inside view into untouched corners of the earth.

It’s easy to find gratitude when you’re looking for it. When you set out to find it by visiting in these gratitude hot spots, you will ensure the encounter.

Gratitude is just a step away!

Author's Bio: 

Adela Rubio is a Joint Venture Strategist who helps coaches and creatives share their message and build their tribe using engaging listbuilding strategies. She is an expert at creating experiential online virtual events that position you to free your Unique Essence, share your Authentic Message and power boost your reach with Joint Ventures. Let Adela teach you how powerful partnerships can be. Download Adela's free audio "Creating Powerful Partnerships" at http://adelarubio.com today!