Do you constantly wish you had 48hours in a day to manage the stress of preparing assignments? Well, you wouldn’t be the only one making that wish. For many students, this race against time to manage the deadlines is the most harrowing part of their school or college life. Now, while time may not run slow, but you can certainly use it to your advantage with these handy tips recommended by My Assignment Help experts.

1. Make efficient use of your travel time
While you may feel the urge to use your travel time to surf the Internet or scroll through your social media feeds, but that isn’t exactly a productive use of your time. What you can do instead is to think about a concept you haven’t quite absorbed, or listen to an audiobook. This is a simple tip that goes a long way in helping you maintain your deadlines for academic writing tasks.
2. Maintain an ongoing list of every single thing you have to do
While the human brain may be more capable than a super-computer, but that doesn’t mean you would test its capacity to an extreme level. Rather, write down every single thing you need to do: projects, assignments, errands, etc. Now you must review this list daily to ensure that you are working on an essential task at any given time. This is a practice followed by the experts from academic websites when you approach them to buy assignments.
3. Don’t let distractions get in the way
Ward off anything that deviates your mind and takes you away from the task at hand. While you are working on your assignment, keep your phone switched off or at the very least keep it silent. Put it in a place where you won't be able to access it easily.
Allow yourself to see your phone only once per hour, or when there is an urgent call coming.
4. Take a realistic approach for the time you invest in studying
Any form of academic document needs a lot of time to be prepared - researching, taking notes, drafting the paper, and citing the sources. While, it is always wise to find more time for thinking, evaluating, and understanding your work, but don’t be too fixated over attaining perfection. Maintain a realistic approach about the time you will invest in each task.
5. Focus on the long-term objectives
Make sure you set your sights to where you want to be and what you intend to achieve by adopting specific, and measurable goals. Prioritising and devoting time to accomplish your immediate and short-term goals will keep you ahead on the path to success. This will lead to the successful accomplishment of your long-term objectives.
6. Master the art of saying “no”
You must learn to say no to the things that aren’t aligned with your priorities. Get in the habit of saying no more often. So, focus on what’s important (in this case, preparing your tasks on time), and put everything else on the backburner for the time being.
7. Reward yourself for the hard work
Take a few minutes out of every hour as a quick break and do something you enjoy, watch your favourite series or go for a walk. The break will also allow your brain to relax and be more productive when you return. However, make sure you don't overindulge until you have completed your tasks.

Follow these practices diligently so that you can beat the clock and produce your assignments on time.

Author's Bio: 

Nathan William is a professional guest blogger who has produced many good write-ups on career & education topics. He also assists the students in completing their assignments.