Getting Real is a very real thing and a very vital part of being successful and happy in our life and our work. If you want to create a happy and authentic life, you are going to have to get real.

What does it mean to Get Real? It means to:

* Live in the whole truth, recognizing that your version of reality is only part of the bigger picture
* Show up as an active, conscious and intentional participant in your life
* Embrace and honor who you are and where you are right now -- and then go from there
* Be willing to take a good look at what makes you tick and how you feel about things as they are happening

And this is really just a start.

So if you are going to Get Real, how do you know where to start? To help you "get real," I have identified 7 Simple Truths for Getting Real and Staying Real, and here they are:

* Get Clear
* Embrace the Present
* Tweak Your Perspective

* Recognize & Redirect Fear
* Examine Your Beliefs
* Acknowledge Choice
* Loosen Up

Maybe you have heard some of these before, maybe not. Even if you have, you haven't heard them from my perspective, so I hope you will hang out with me through the series as I share more about each of the truths, talking more about what they mean and why I think they matter.

Want to learn about how to implement the 7 Simple Truths into your life to create a happy and authentic life? Look for my series entitled "How to Create a Happy & Authentic Life."

Author's Bio: 

Shannon Short is a life coach, speaker and author, and is the founder of SPARK! Coaching and Girls Get Real. Shannon helps individuals embrace their truth and ignite their life through a raised self-awareness and new perspective on life. Girls Get Real was created to meet the unique needs of college girls as they prepare for adulthood and the "real" world.

For a free email series on how to implement the 7 Simple Truths into your life, visit

For information about coaching services, please visit A Free 15-minute consultation is available through SPARK! Coaching for individuals who are interested in exploring coaching.