I often hear clients, colleagues and friends talking about how overwhelmed they are with home, work, family, schedules, vacation time that has to be used or lost, too much work to do; houses that need to be cleaned -- are you exhausted yet?

They indulge in zoning out or caffeine or drinking or emotional eating to try and survive. I say fawgetabout it! Relish life and EAT PIES!

Enter into each situation in the present. Forget what Uncle Henry or your cube-mate did last year or ten years ago. Today is today. Enter the moment, the task, with an open heart and a clean slate.

Accept what comes your way. Be open and pay attention to opportunities. Yesterday I called to ask about a speaker who is coming to town. Instead I was presented the opportunity for my business to host him AND an acquaintance offered a spectacular space at a reasonable price.

Take care of yourself. That's your primary job in life. Even if you have children! If you are not okay, they will sense those emotions and reflect them (which means MORE angst). Calm is contagious.

Physically: working out gives you more energy and self esteem. Notice how tasks can be scored towards cardio, balance, flexibility, strength and endurance-the components of a full workout. Just noticing "oh, I'm bending from the waist to tie my shoe, what a good stretch that is" will make you feel better about yourself and help you to recognize self-care.

Intellectually: challenge yourself a little every day. Whether it's a crossword puzzle, remembering a joke you heard or the words to a song-exercising your brain will keep you interested in life and happily stimulated. It makes it easier to absorb new information and to become a lifelong learner-proven to be the happiest and longest living people.

Emotionally: take time every day to have a few private moments. Do something that makes you happy: take a walk, wander in the mall, have a cup of tea or daydream about being in Tahiti. It may be difficult at first, but as you make this a habit, it will become easier and more enjoyable. Some of us are not used to taking time for ourselves. You DO DESERVE IT. Even if you have to hide in the bathroom to daydream.

Spiritually: we are all connected and it's important to keep perspective. While some people interpret "alone" as "a-lone," it's far more productive to regard it as "all one" and recognize that we are all the same. Look, really look, into the eyes of the barista at the coffee shop. Say hello, from your heart, to the supermarket cashier. He or she also has pressure at work and holiday mayhem. Smiles translate into every language on Earth.

(c) 2007 Sharon Greenspan All Rights Reserved

Author's Bio: 

Connecting knowledge, experiences and resources in order to help people build a better life for themselves is the driving theme for Sharon's career and her personal mission. Sharon does this by providing opportunities and means for you to examine your beliefs and to awaken your imagination.

Sharon Greenspan is a certified coach, trainer and speaker. Organizations, governments and individuals have used her services for over a dozen years. Her work spans 5 continents and changes people’s lives.

For more information visit www.wildsuccess.us