Here I am going to share with you something that isn't all that new but very relevant when it comes to building a Happy, Successful and Healthy Life
It is not about the "Quantity of Friends" that you are going to have in your life. But the "Quality" by this I don't mean Financial, Professional or Societal Status.
I mean the one's who will be there all the way, who are Honest, Building a Life of Integrity, Loyalty and Commitment to always "Being True to Themselves & to YOU".
They will be the ones who will encourage you to follow your dreams, not be frightened to tell you if think you might be off track, will understand that it is normal to make mistakes and allowing you to learn from them.
They will deter you from negative habits and encourage you in positive ones. They will love you because you are you. Not for what you have, do or accomplish. They will be there for the journey. To share your challenges and your successes. To just BE: Enjoying the Moment of Being in One Another's Lives.
I would like to mention that these steps you can apply for building positive family relationships as well
Don't Seek to be Understood, Seek to Understand: When you dig deep into understanding your feelings and your reactions. How you want to be treated and how you want to be with people. This gives you the first step into developing positive friendships
Be Positive- "Be Solution Driven - Not Problem Driven": Being positive doesn’t mean walking around with rose coloured glasses because things will go wrong. There will be upsets sometimes even arguments. It means to look for something good in the situation, person or event. Don’t allow yourself to think the worst. Look to find a solution to the problem or to just disagree to disagree.
Be Real, Be Honest: See things how they are: Not worse than they are or Better than they are, but How they are: This gives you a strong base to work from to move your life and relationships in a positive direction.
Don’t Gossip -"Never to lie about someone or embellish the Truth": Gossiping, putting people down is one of the best ways to detract positive friendships. So no getting off, on other people’s hardships, just allow it to be.
Never Lie: Lying is just such a turn off for a positive relationship because if there is a problem and you are lying about it, then it can’t be solved. With trust being a major component to attracting positive people into your life. Lying will certainly sabotage that. If there is something that you don't want to speak about, just don't say anything.
Don’t Compare Yourself or Your Life with your Friends: Your life with someone else’s. The only time that this can be healthy is if someone is doing or achieving something that you would like to achieve. Then knowing that if they can do it so can you. Otherwise enjoy the differences in one another’s lives.
Care for You: Yes take care of yourself, be your best friend. Love yourself unconditionally, eat healthy nutritious foods, take charge of your emotions and thoughts to bring about feelings of gratitude, love and warmth into your life.
Don’t Take on other People’s Problems: This can sometimes be a difficult one, especially with family, spouses, children and so on. But an absolutely necessary one to develop positive friendships. Because you may have well worked through what they are going through, feeling really able to help. But unless they ask for this, JUST LISTEN. Then just allow it to be!!!!!
Further Support
Conflict Resolution – A Major Key to Successful Relationships
Signature of a True Friend: Leaves Footprints in your Heart
Determining What is a Toxic Friend
Julie Doherty is acknowledged as Worldwide Leader in Healthcare by The Leading Physicians of the world. She is an exceptionally experienced naturopathic health practitioner with a vast expertise in traditional medicine, herbal medicine, and homeopathic medicine. Julie has over twenty-six years in practice and currently maintains a position at Julie's Naturopathic Health Care Services, her private practice in Hackham, South Australia, Australia, where she provides an extensive array of safe, effective, individual, and non-invasive therapies to assist with overcoming health issues that affect the body and the mind.
Julie graduated with distinctions from S.A. College of Botanical Medicine and Natural Therapies and is an accredited member of the Australian Traditional Medicine Society. Her professional qualifications include Naturopathic Doctor, Herbal & Homoeopathic Practitioner in Diet and Nutritional Medicine, Remedial & Therapeutic Massage Therapy, Body Mind Balancing Cognitive Counselling, and Healthy/Lifestyle coaching and Natural Beauty. This solid education has enabled Julie to provide an extensive range of multidisciplinary modalities that are safe, effective, individual and non-invasive to empower each person to optimal health. Julie credits her success to determination and dedicates to her family and traveling in her spare time
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