Of all of the software development companies in the world, Adobe Systems Incorporated is one of the biggest. On Tuesday, September 22, 2008, they went public with the latest version of their Creative Suite. More commonly known as CS4, the new Creative Suite is expected to increase the companies revenues by more than $70 billion. Adobe will release the new version of the software to more than 25 different countries, including Turkey, Romania, and Poland.

Power-Packed CS4

CS4 is not being looked at as new software by web development companies. It is largely viewed as an impressive upgrade. The new version of this software boasts changes that include improved speed and ease in website development. Developers are now able to use various forms of media in abundance on a website without worrying about sacrificing browser compatibility, page or image quality or download speeds. In fact, downloads speeds are actually improved by almost 30% over that of CS3.

13 different software applications are included in the CS4 package, including Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Indesign, Illustrator, and Flash. Macromedia is the company that was responsible for originally developing Flash, and one of Adobe’s biggest competitor’s until Adobe purchased the rights to the Flash program. Once you purchase the CS4 package, you will have the ability to create a multitude of projects including desktop publishing, web design and photo edits.

In CS4, Adobe has made some interesting and useful changes to the Dreamweaver program. Users are now able to see formatting codes that are necessary simply by hovering over their work area. Also, Adobe has improved the CSS part of the program and made workspace customization easy through the use of drop down menus.

What do I Need to Run CS4?

Your graphics card should be 2.0 compatible to work effectively with this software. 1280 x 900 are the minimum screen resolution requirements. 25 GB of free disk space and 2 GB of RAM will be needed on your hard drive. A multicore processor may be needed in MAC systems. If you wish to run Shader 3 for video work, you will need some extra support and any video work involving HD formatting will require Vista and XP SP2 users to have a 2GHz or better processor.

The Price Tag for CS4

$2,499 is the advertised price for the Creative Suite 4 Master Collection. Upgrades will range from $899 to $1,599, depending on what components you already have and which ones you wish to add on. This software is very expensive and most will find that their usage will not justify the expense involved in the purchase. Students and freelance web designers will most likely look elsewhere for comparable cheaper software or they will save up for this software. Those who will use it daily to produce an income for themselves will be able to justify the expense as the software definitely has everything they could want.

Author's Bio: 

John Mahoney is an expert on designing and developing websites. Follow these links to find latest tips on: web design and Web Design Services