Anti-aging can be a difficult topic to address. A war is currently being fought over the meaning of "anti-aging" (as research, medicine, brand, or simply adjective) and thus even mentioning the term is likely to prejudice many readers. We will try to put this all into context while being as neutral as possible.

Our skin protects us from heat, cold, and physical injuries. It also provides us with sensory information about the nature of the external world and is our first defense against invasion by bacteria, viruses, and other toxic elements. The skin is also an excretory organ, removing toxins from the body via perspiration.

An anti aging diet

The best anti aging diet is one that is low in carbohydrates, low in fats, high in proteins and rich in vitamins, antioxidants, fiber and phytochemicals. The anti aging potential of a healthy low carbohydrate diet is enormous and cannot be overemphasized. There is no anti aging supplement available in the form of a pill, capsule, a liquid, a shake or an injectable that can replace a healthy diet. You can supplement a healthy diet if you choose to do so with dietary supplements, but you should never let nutritional supplements be your sole weapon in combating the aging process

Eating a healthy anti aging diet every day can improve your overall state of well being. The rewards of healthy eating will enable you to become less dependent on certain medications and to lower or eliminate medical expenses. Also, you will bring more joy into your life by opting for a healthy anti aging diet..
Anti Aging Therapies:

Green Tea Extract: What make green tea extract such an important nutrient are the large volumes of published scientific findings that validate its multiple biological benefits. The most significant findings involve studies showing that green tea extract helps maintain cellular DNA and membrane structural integrity.

Fish Oil: Studies on omega-3 fatty acids are so impressive that an agency of the National Institutes of Health published a report stating that fish oil can help reduce dead from heart disease.
Folic Acid, Vitamin B6 and Vitamin B12: Cardiovascular disease, the number-one killer of men and women, claims the lives of almost 40% of the more than 2.4 million Americans who die each year. Today, about 64 million Americans have some form of cardiovascular disease.

Testosterone: The hormonal stimulus for sex drive in both men and women is Testosterone, which declines with advancing age in both sexes. Testosterone also plays an important role in maintaining muscle mass and strength and bone density.

Anti Aging Treatment

A good anti aging treatment regimen can make a huge difference in the appearance of aging facial skin. Your appearance and your sense of well-being are linked. Every woman wants to look great and feel good about herself. This desire can be fufilled through an effective anti aging treatment regimen, one that will leave you with a clear, radiant, vibrant, and healthy skin.

In our society, skin is a component of one's self esteem, appearance, and attraction. Your skin is the most visible part, the "you" that you show to the world. Like many other parts of your body, the facial skin requires care and attention. The most important thing that you can do to keep your skin healthy, attractive and youthful is to follow an effective anti aging treatment plan.

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