Ascendant Crystal: Amethyst

When your ascendant is in Pisces, you have a soft heart and a sympathetic disposition. The ascendant of your sign is usually the mask you wear to the public, it is how the person express their outward personality. The ascendant is also referred to as your rising sign, it could be said that all of your chart is run through your ascendant. There is one other interesting point, if when you have an astrology reading and your sun sign just doesn't describe you, then you are probably ruled by your ascendant.

As ascendant in Pisces you can easily play the martyr role in life, and sometimes have a difficult time defining where you end and others begin, you can also take on other peoples feelings. This is where you ascendant crystal comes to rescue, Amethyst helps balance out these tendencies and protects you from other people taking advantage of you and your volubility.

Amethyst also keeps you focused, which gives you the feeling of being in control of your feelings and then this in turn increases your confidence. Another issue that plagues the ascendant in Pisces is they lean towards doing everything in excess; which can also be controlled with Amethyst, you do need to wear it and/or have it on your person all the time.

Other interesting properties of Amethyst are that they magnify the energies of other crystals; it assists in negotiating, decision making, abundance, public speaking and business success. The healing properties of Amethyst are arthritis (as an elixir); cancer, blood cleansing, detoxing, bones, heart and liver.

Thought for the Day: "If you have not consciously made the decision to be rich, excellent, and healthy, then you have unconsciously made the decision to be poor, mediocre, and unhealthy." -Wallace D. Wattles-

Author's Bio: 

Darlene has researched, practiced and implemented many spiritual and personal growth paths: Crystal Readings for Vibrant Living; Feng Shui for personal tranquility; Sacred Movements for a disciplined life; Gentle Touch Energy Healer; Whole and organic food advocate-Food as Medicine; Artist of hand woven and beaded amulet basket necklaces. She resides in California in her own personal wellness center and sanctuary. She brings her wisdom, knowledge and spiritual self to you in all that she does. Darlene's mission is to teach and encourage individuals how to find and maintain their balance in mind, body, spirit connection, which brings peace, joy and prosperity into their lives. They learn how to experience the joy of balanced living. She accomplishes this thru her Crystal Readings for Vibrant Living and her Wellness Coach Program, which is offer to individuals and corporations. Darlene Siddons Spirited Boutique