To have an attitude which is positive and enthusiastic will carry a person far in this world. It will affect the people around you. The attitude of a person will shape their outer world, hether they choose their attitude to be positive or negative. What I’ve found to be so helpful in keeping my attitude in a positive way is reminding myself to be present in the moment of GRATITUDE.

If you apply the law of attraction into your daily method of operation, you can focus on all of the abundance and positive things in your life. For this is what you are bringing forth in your world. If you have an attitude of gratitude and give blessing to the people and world around you, you can dramatically draw more good into your life.

How do you stay grateful in situations that are less than ideal? We all experience things that are not what we want or expected. This is the universal truth of Cause and Effect (every positive must have an equal opposite). The question is how can we attract what we do want in these circumstances?

In the book “The Astonishing power of gratitude- How to fix the 5 big mistakes that keep you from putting the power of gratitude to work for you”, author Wes Hopper addresses how we can all benefit from the power of gratitude. The power of gratitude is the application of the Law of Cause and Effect. In the book “The Science of getting Rich “, Wallace Wattles explains the Law of Cause and Effect as:

“The law of gratitude is the natural principle that action and reaction are always equal and in opposite directions.”

Here are 5 suggestions that will assist you on staying in a grateful mindset, from Wes Hopper’s book “The Astonishing Power of Gratitude”.

  1. The Universe is friendly: We know that the universe is moving us forward in an upward expansion of greatness. So everything that comes into our lives is there for us to learn from and grow into a greater person. Having this knowledge allows gratitude to come part of our thinking because we allow and accept all things are good n our lives.
  2. Non- resistance: Is having the mental attitude that what is, just is. When utilizing this principle we gratefully accept and permit what it is that is presenting its self in the moment.  We all too often think to ourselves we “should” have done this, or we “should” have done that. By resisting what is we prolong that which we wish to move on from.
  3. Happiness with a state of dissatisfaction: What we want to strive for is a pure state of happiness. The word happiness relates to a joy and gratitude. Yet we also want to grow and increase our current situations with the ideal that we are always in the forward progress for being a better person. When we have become satisfied with something we have accepted the status quo, we are stagnant in our upward expansion. "The place you want to be is happy and dissatisfied! In other words, to be thrilled with what you have, joyful and grateful for your accomplishments and blessings, and at the same time, enthusiastic about your ability to do even better.”
  4. Forgiveness: To forgive mean to LET-GO COMPLETELY… This means forgiving other people who you feel have done you wrong as well as forgiving yourself for anything which you have done in the past. The past is finished, we move forward with forgiveness. “Sorry, but half-baked phony forgiveness won’t do the job. You have to do this completely. Forgiveness is not something you do for the other person, it is something you do for yourself.”
  5. Give: We give and then we receive. It is important to give so that we are in flow with the universe for us to receive what it is that we are asking for. Everything we have been reading about has been in the form of thought, well giving is our ACTION. Keep the flow in your life by being grateful what is in our life, and then give whatever it is your can.

This concludes our topic on our ATTITUDE of GRATITUDE; it is my intention to inspire you to lead an empowered life with this simple practice which has truly improved my way of living and has help us achieve our successful lifestyle in our home business earning a multiple 6 figure income.

From Allison Clark