Practically every new parent runs into baby sleep problems at one time or another. However, to know that the situation is common is not comforting to a worn out mom who needs toothpicks to prop open her droopy eyelids. If baby won't sleep at night, chances are that your household is becoming more tired and tense with each passing minute. When nerves are shot, the pressures of the day seem multiplied ten fold and the prospect of another night with an unhappy, screaming infant is enough to make the most devoted mom feel like she is going to snap.

We all know that baby sleep patterns need some time to regulate and even then there are nights when getting our newborn to sleep seems virtually impossible. However, there are some time tested tips and techniques that can be used to diminish your baby’s sleep problems.

The first step is to ascertain that the reason that baby won’t sleep at night is not illness or some underlying condition that needs medical attention. Once baby gets a clean bill of health, here are easy ways to help baby relax and go to sleep which may also help you to avoid the chronic fatigue that comes with the territory of sleepless nights.

Often the root of baby sleeping problems is so simple and easy to fix that we look back and wonder why we didn’t think of the remedy sooner. Often it’s no one sleep aid idea that works, but a combination of several. The best way to find out what might make baby sleep better at night is to try one method at a time to see where you get the best results. With that thought in mind, time’s wasting so let’s get started.

There are ways to design a nursery that may head off baby sleep problems before they ever get started. Make sure that you have the ability to darken the nursery down during daytime naps and to block out street and traffic lights at night. If you have sheer curtains on the windows, add room darkening shades or blinds behind them that can be retracted when you want natural light.

Contrary to popular belief, constant noise is not a contributor to most baby sleep problems. Actually, a steady stream of noise at a low level seems normal to babies. White noise will often lull them to sleep better than complete silence. Our wombs were not quiet places. Our babies were surrounded with whooshing sounds and movement in very tight quarters. Try to recreate this familiar environment with white noise from a room fan, dishwasher or clothes washer and swaddling and see if this calms baby.

Pay attention to your baby’s moods. Learn to read the signals for the best time to start your routine. Watch for the minute when baby's eyes droop with a sleepy look. Let baby call the shots for awhile until you can work your way through the worst of the baby sleep problems. Grab a nap when the baby is asleep; any sleep is better than none no matter if it’s the middle of the day or whenever.

Every mother's remedy for baby sleep problems is different. Just remember if you want baby to get on a routine, you have to be on one as well. To get baby in a good sleep routine, be very predictable. Let baby know exactly what to expect from your actions, surprises and confusion at bedtime are not advisable and may be the reason that baby won’t go to sleep at night without an uproar.

Author's Bio: 

Jan Bay is the webmaster of a popular baby decorating site, Unique Baby Gear Ideas, Nursery Themes and Decorating Ideas which features articles of interest to new parents.