Urinary incontinence is the unintentional loss of urine which has become a significant problem among women. Approximately 11 million women affected by incontinence. One in four ages 30-59 experience incontinence episodes. Many individuals feel this a natural part of aging when in fact - it is not. Most of these individuals can be helped but never discuss the situation with their Doctors because of embarrassment.

There are various types of incontinence. The most common being stress and urge incontinence.

Stress incontinence occurs when there is intra-abdominal pressure such as sneezing, coughing, laughing or lifting. The pelvic floor muscles (which prevent bladder leakage) are not strong enough to hold back the urine with the added pressure resulting in urine leaking from the bladder. Most times the accidents are small in nature but can become worse over time.

Urge incontinence is the sudden strong urge to urinate with inability to make it to the bathroom in time. This can result in moderate to large accidents. Again the pelvic floor muscles are unable to hold back the flow of urine usually due to weakness.

Mixed incontinence is a combination of stress and urge incontinence.

Incontinence can occur for a variety of reasons. Some common ones are pregnancy, childbirth, hormonal changes with menopause, obesity, chronic constipation, chronic coughing, and bearing down while lifting. If you’ve been living with incontinence for months or years, know that it can be improved or completely eliminated with treatment.

Exercise and examination of diet has been clinically proven to reduce if not eliminate urinary incontinence. Many of the foods and drinks we consume are bladder irritants. Knowing what foods to eliminate and how to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles are essential to eliminating urinary incontinence.

There is a self-help program available to women that can be completed in the privacy of your own home. The prgram teaches the appropriate exercises and provides the necessary equipment to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. Also included is a dietary guide to bladder irritants, a three month voiding diary, bladder retraining guide, self-assessment questionaire and overview of the bladder system. There is help for individuals who do not want surgery or to take medication. As an Occupational Therapist for fourteen years, I have seen remarkable results treating incontinence. No need to be embarassed - take action and take back control of your life.

Author's Bio: 

Sandra Bauer is a registered Occupational Therapist who has been treating over fourteen years. She is committed to educating and helping women who suffer needlessly from incontinence. More information is available at www.takebackcontrolprogram.com