When you receive the Seal you will hear the invitary calling. The invitary is where God calls you home to Heaven. When He calls and you are sealed, you are ready to go join Him for eternity.

“A certain man,” said Jesus, “made a huge supper, and invited many. And he sent his servant at the supper hour, to say to the invited ones, ‘Come! For all is prepared.’ And all of them began, one by one, to ask to be pardoned.”

This was a parable Jesus taught about a man on earth who threw a supper and all his friends and acquaintances decided they did not want to come to the supper. Sad, but something that seems to happen often enough.

But the supper Jesus really referred to was God's Supper. God makes a Supper for you to come to in Heaven. When you get the invitary to this Supper it means the ultimate in invitations--the heavenly one!

But just because this is Heaven and eternity calling you does not mean you will want to come. You can find many reasons you do not want to drop everything and go to Heaven. You are busy with your life.

As painful as many people feel their life is, as burdensome and difficult as it can become, it is natural for everyone to want to preserve their life. And this nature can make the most devoutly religious person refuse the invitary.

It can happen to anybody. When God calls they ask to be "pardoned" from going to God. From coming home. To Heaven! What could be better than Heaven for them? Most people have something they prefer to Heaven.

Most Christian people plan to ask God for pardon on Judgment Day. They plan to ask pardon for their sins they have committed. But most people do not realize they are asking another kind of pardon--to be pardoned from going to Heaven.

You may have planned to be pardoned so you could get into Heaven. God knows the true you. The true you wants to be pardoned from going there. You want to be pardoned to have more of this life.

“The first said to him,” Jesus said, “’I have purchased a field and I need to go and see it. I ask you to pardon me.’ A different one said, ‘I have married a wife and so I am not able to come.’”

It is easy to understand how a person could marry and not want to give up that delightful marriage for Heaven. They might not want to leave their spouse and family without a partner and without help providing.

But the other excuse Jesus used as an example is one you will want to use when you are sealed. Because the Seal is a little garden God plants in you. The Seal is that field where you bear fruit.

And that is what you will ask to be pardoned for. You will want to stay on earth and not go to Heaven because you want to bear more fruit on earth. And it only seems right. After all, God planted that garden in you.

There are many "fields" you might work in. There are many ways you might bear fruit for God. But none of them is better to stay in then coming home to Heaven to be with God for eternity.

So when you are sealed and you hear the invitary, that is when you abandon your garden for God. And you should be ready to respond to the invitary of God every day when you receive the Seal.

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And now Jason would like to invite you to get your FREE report Are You Making These Mistakes as a Christian? at www.sealsecrets.com and "Get God's 'Seal of Approval' and Get the Victory Over Evil" at www.sealofthesoul.com
Jason Witt