With anything in life, there is an allowing that has to happen for things to come through.

Being open and allowing is a skill that should be developed.

What is defense? Defense is the process of putting up a shield against attack. It is the process of ensuring security.

In certain life areas more than others, defense is a strategy used to shield oneself against failure and possible attack. Everyone does this, and countries do this all the time.

As long as the possibility of hurt exists in any life area, there is the possibility of actually attracting it into your sphere of experience.

When you know that something, some situation or some person is the source of possible hurt to you, it becomes your attraction factor and you actually invite it into your experience. If you are at all intuitive you can sense hurt coming at you from miles away, and then start your defense work immediately. If you feel that something will cause you hurt, go ahead and take care of it. Do whatever has to be done to minimise the damage, but also make sure to not bolt the door so tight that good also gets locked out.

When you close yourself up completely to defend yourself against possible hurt, it also means closing yourself up to the possible good that may come behind it.

For example, let's say that you are afraid of getting rejected from work offers. What happens? You put up a mental shield and you either don't apply for work at all, or apply and then get rejected.

But what if there was a third choice?

The third option is making the deliberate choice of learning from your weakness, becoming stronger and more resilient, being more sure of what you really want to see happen, yet continuing to be open. Even though initially negativity may seep through, after some time clear water does start to flow through the open doors. After all a lot of dirty stuff could have collected behind the closed doors while you were waiting in your room all alone for life to come and visit you. And then when you finally want company and open up the door, the long collected dirty water may be the first to come through.

So what can you do if you do experience this dirty water?

Let it flow and if you have to bathe in it, do so..take a relaxing cleansing shower afterwards ofcourse. :)

This dirty water has to stop flowing sometime. Most people get shocked when they see the effects of their past state of energy vibrations, but as you work to get better vibrations with better beliefs and thoughts, things will change. Just be steady about keeping the door open so that good can also flow in later. And once good starts flowing steadily, nothing can stop it. Accept what has already happened and don't fight it. But become stronger and more confident, further refining your actual desire of what you would really like to see happen. After all contrast helps you refine your intentions.

As you bring your mind together single pointedly, you will actually start becoming sure of winning. It's simply because the Universe appreciates a person who takes initial defeat in his/her stride and keeps working to get to the victory line.

And the the path becomes really easy.

So start that business you have been planning on for ages, what are you waiting for? Start that project and be assured that your powerful mind will take you through, and soon your attraction factor will be so strong that nobody can dispute the fact that you are a winner.

My wishes are with you.

Lots of Love.

Sugandhi Iyer, Coach Joyful Manifestation (Law of Attraction)

Author's Bio: 

Author Bio- A Master of energy and consciousness, Sugandhi Iyer has put together an amazing system to get people to realize their dreams and change their experiences. Law of Attraction coaching and Spiritual psychotherapy can heal and change the direction of energy, getting people into a space of positive manifestation so that the Law of Attraction can work wonders (whatever you want is already yours).

Sign up for her free Well Being newsletter full of great information at her website, www.lifebusinesscreations.com