Belching or burping is pretty commonplace. In fact, it is quite natural to burp or belch a few times a day. However, if you feel that your burping is getting too excessive and is already causing you gas pains and bloating, then your situation can no longer be considered normal. Furthermore, ...Belching or burping is pretty commonplace. In fact, it is quite natural to burp or belch a few times a day. However, if you feel that your burping is getting too excessive and is already causing you gas pains and bloating, then your situation can no longer be considered normal. Furthermore, excessive burping or belching can really be quite uncomfortable and totally embarrassing. Just imagine what your date would feel like if you burp and belch all throughout your time together?

The best way to get rid of too much burping is by understanding the underlying causes of this phenomenon. Once you know the root of the problem, it is somehow easier to know what you should do to prevent extreme belching from happening in the future.

The Science of Burping

Basically, burping or belching is just your body's method of getting rid of excess air or gas from your stomach. People unknowingly take in too much air when they drink a lot of carbonated beverages, drink or eat very fast, or talk while they are eating. Individuals who are suffering from digestive problems and certain conditions, such as gastritis (or the inflammation of the lining of the stomach), gastro esophageal reflux or acid reflux, may also experience excessive belching. Moreover, there are also quite a few who tend to swallow air when they are nervous, under stress or anxious.

If your burping is already accompanied by bloating, weight loss, diarrhea or constipation, vomiting, nausea, unrelenting heartburn, or rectal or abdominal pain, then you need to immediately seek medical attention. But for now, here are some tips on how to minimize burping.

Try To Eat Slowly

No matter how busy you are, you still need to get into the habit of chewing food carefully and eating a little bit more slowly. Not only will this habit help you swallow less air, it is also helpful in making you eat less. Also, if you are a fast drinker, you could slow down by drinking through a straw.

Avoid Smoking

Another culprit of excessive burping is smoking. When you smoke, you tend to swallow and inhale a lot of air. Anyway, quitting smoking is not only good for getting rid of too much burping, it also does wonders in restoring your health and vitality.

Mind Your Dentures

It is a common tendency for individuals who have ill-fitted dentures to swallow a lot of air when they are drinking and eating. Thus, you need to make sure that your dentures are well-fitted and snug.

Add Some Ginger

This herb is great both for helping improve digestion and also preventing belching. Drinking a cup of ginger ale or tea after every meal can minimize your symptoms. If you do not like the taste of ginger, you can just take a ginger capsule or supplement.

Hot Tea Can Do The Trick

Aside from ginger ale, you can also try citrus peel or clove tea to ease your desire to burp excessively. A cup of hot tea after a meal can really help calm your stomach.

Internal Cleansing

Years of eating fatty, junk and processed foods can really cause havoc to your digestive system. If you want to get rid of excessive burping or belching, you need to address the problems in your gastrointestinal tract.

One effective way to improve the health of your stomach and colon is by getting rid of toxins and waste products that have built up inside. You can achieve this by eating plenty of fruits and vegetables to increase your fiber intake. You can also do internal cleansing by using products intended to cleanse your colon, such as Colpurin. To know more about the importance of internal cleansing and Colpurin, simply visit

Author's Bio: 

Janet Martin is an avid health and fitness enthusiast and published author. Many of her insightful articles can be found at the premiere online news magazine