Hello to all of you, I've spent several years trying to attract girls in all the possible ways, only the last year I discovered pheromones.

Pheromones are a scent that you put on your clothes, and they broadcast an unconscious signal, like the animals do (you know, in springs they became a little crazy, science discovered that this is made by pheromones).

Pheromones also exists in humans, but unfortunately, only in little amounts, not enough to make females strongly attracted to males (and the opposite). Did you ever seen a dog trying to determine if another dog was nice enought to make love with? I didn't, and trust me, pheromones plays a major role on this.
There are a lot of pheromones avaiable on the net, few of them work, that's true.

I tryed almost all of them, spending thousands of dollars, and trust me, I don't want you (with perhaps my same problems with girls) to have to do the same. So I've made a TOP 10 list of pheromones, feel free to look at them.

Pheromone Spray
Attractant 10X

Author's Bio: 

For more information contact Mario Bianchi or visit him at http://www.best-pheromones.com