We all have sources of stress in our lives. It’s our reactions to those stressors that determine our health and well-being. This was a key point discussed at “Listening to the Body: The Language of Stress-Related Symptoms,” a recent seminar attended by Linda Binns and presented by William J. Sieber, Ph.D., of the Health Outcomes Assessment Program at the University of California – San Diego. Dr. Sieber explained that decreasing anxiety can effectively control physical symptoms of illness.

One way to help control anxiety is to make healthy lifestyle changes gradually, thus allowing yourself time to adjust without becoming overwhelmed. For example, if you want to begin an exercise program, don’t try to start jogging for 40 minutes a day. Instead, begin with 10 or 15 minutes of exercise a few times a week and gradually build up as your endurance improves.

Dr. Sieber also advises people to pay close attention to symptoms and feelings related to illness. By recording your symptoms for at least two weeks, you may become aware of patterns or fluctuations that correspond to events or activities. Such increased self-awareness is important for healing and can improve your ability to communicate with health professionals when seeking treatment.

Most of us know that diet, exercise and attitude are important factors in maintaining a healthy state. Individuals who remain positive, exhibit a fighting spirit and have a strong desire to enjoy life tend to cope better with a variety of stressors, stay healthier in general and recover faster when they are ill. These people often view challenges as opportunities to learn and grow, rather than allowing themselves to become victims of circumstance.

Now is the time to take the first steps toward understanding how you can have a healthier, happier lifestyle. Call Harmony Inside & Out at (314) 995-1956 to schedule a consultation and begin taking control of your health.

Submitted by Linda Binns of Harmony Inside & Out
Tel: (314) 616-6256 Fax: (636) 928-0396 e-mail: lbinns@harmonyinandout.com
For more information go to http://www.harmonyinandout.com/holistic_health_consultations.htm.

Author's Bio: 

Linda Binns, a private practice Holistic Health Practicioner & Feng Shui consultant for eight years, offers consultations for homes and businesses. She is dedicted to helping people be aware of how they can maintain a healthy and natural lifestyle through natural healing methods and the environmental art of Feng Shui.

Harmony Inside & Out, LLC
P.O. Box 153
Cottleville, MO 63338-0038
Tel: (314) 995-1956
Fax: (636) 928-0396
“Empowering people to use their environment and personal health to be more productive and successful.”