Body Building Weight Training Tips for beginners

Here are my top bodies building weight training tips for beginners. These tips will set you on the right track and will help you to get the most out of your weight training sessions.

Tip 1: Warm Up
Ten to fifteen minutes should do it. It really doesn't matter what you do to warm up, just get your heart pumping and try to move all parts of your body. I personally like to dance to some good music or do some cardio. This will raise your body temperature and prevent injuries to the muscles.
Tip 2: Be Smooth
Try to do your work out smoothly and efficiently. Your focus should be on smooth, flowing, continuous movement when using weights. Uneven, fast or jerky movements can cause injuries because they will put unnecessary strain on your muscles.
Tip 3: Breathe
Your muscles are always in need of oxygen to produce energy, so don't hold your breath while working out. The timing of when you breathe in or out during your exercise doesn't really matter, just make sure you breathe freely throughout the exercise.
Tip 4: Choose The Right Weight
This one is important: doing exercises with lower weights won't challenge your muscles to grow big and strong. Exercising with too heavy weights can damage your muscles. Choose a weight that you are comfortable with. As a general rule I suggest you use a weight that tires the muscles out within 8-10 repetitions.
Tip 5: Focus – Concentration
Always focus on what you're doing and don't forget to count repetitions. Lack of concentration on your technique can result in doing your exercise incorrectly. One set done properly will be more beneficial then doing two or three sets the wrong way.
Tip 6: Balance Your Body Building Weight Training Workout
Avoid concentrating on just a few muscle groups. Try to work all your muscle groups for maximum benefit.
Tip 7: Don't Exaggerate
Don't overdo your body building weight training, this can cause serious injury and even long-term damage. As a matter of fact, most people can get optimal results with just one set of 10-12 repetitions of each exercise, done slowly using the right technique.
Tip 8: Rest & Recover
After a weight training workout your muscles need at least 48 hours to recover. During those 48 hours your muscles are recovering and developing. For maximum benefit I suggest you schedule a training session once in 3 days. It's also a good idea to drink a good body building supplement after your workout to help in muscle growth and to nourish your muscles.
Tip 9: Set Your Goal
As with all things in life, without a goal or plan you cannot reach your destination. First think about what it is you want: Lose weight, gain muscle or become a pro body build? Then you can set your goal and make a road map.
Tip 10: Get A Book
It's important to get a good body building weight training book. Make sure you get one that has good pictures and descriptions of the exercises. For beginners I’d recommend 12 Minutes To Fit & Fabulous and Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle.

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