This book review is part of a series that covers the topic of Career Coaching. Career Coaching focuses on the needs of individuals to find fulfillment and satisfaction in their career. Many of us try to improve our lives by improving or changing careers. Gwen Jewett is the Official Guide to Career Coaching.

48 Days to the Work You Love, by Dan Miller and Dave Ramsey, is a valuable resource for people interested in Diet and Weight Loss, and it is available through and Barnes & Noble.

Book Description

Now available in paperback! Dan Miller’s thriving vocational best seller, 48 Days to the Work You Love, is not so much about finding a new job. It is more about learning who we are really called to be. According to the author, failing to make that fundamental discovery is why so many people find themselves in jobs they hate. But now, thousands upon thousands are finding the work they love thanks to practical advice from leading career counselor Miller.

Conversational and creative, Miller helps readers see clear patterns form from which we can make successful career and job decisions by understanding our God-given skills and abilities, personality traits, values, dreams, and passions.

48 Days to the Work You Love provides a step-by-step process for creating a Life Plan and translating that plan into meaningful and fulfilling daily work.

Author's Bio: 

This book review is part of a series that covers the topic of Career Coaching. The Official Guide to Career Coaching is Gwen Jewett. Gwen helps clients look not only at what they want to do next, but who they want to be while they are doing it. Having experienced the good and the bad in her own career path, Gwen brings empathy, education and wisdom to help clients navigate strategically through this process so that they come out positive, confident and fulfilled.

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Gwen Jewett, the Official Guide To Career Coaching