This book review is part of a series that covers the topic of Life Lessons. Life Lessons are the values and views that you acquire over the course of your lifetime. Randy L. Wysong is the Official Guide to Life Lessons.

Living Life: As If Thinking Matters, by R. L. Wysong, is a valuable resource for people interested in Life Lessons, and it is available through

Book Description

An iconoclastic scientist, veterinary surgeon, health educator, pioneering leader in the natural food and prevention fields, inventor, and philosopher makes a compelling case that what the world commonly holds to be true is wrong, and that the solutions lie within easy grasp if we will just put thinking, rather than beliefs, first.

Everyone agrees that life can be an overwhelming affair at times. But people cannot seem to agree on what to do about it. Not only that, but because "everyone is entitled to their beliefs," and beliefs vary with the person, there seems to be no hope for either personal solutions or peace in the world.

What if there were a way to solve the important issues we face in life such as health, ethics, politics, economics, race, sex, marriage, environment, and self improvement? There is.

First it is necessary to understand that we are all born on the starting line of life with blank mental slates. From this innocent and authentic state our attention is hooked by parents, schools, peers, and experts who fill our minds with "proper" knowledge. The result is a society stuffed with given beliefs, none of which we own, and—as you will learn in this book—most of which are wrong.

Although important questions are often debated today, there seems to be no satisfying solutions. Instead, shortsighted agendas prevail, money dictates decisions, and ethics seems a thing of the past. We all sense this misdirection and can feel helpless as our lives do not go as planned and the world spirals out of control.

Since ultimately everything in life happens because of the way we think, the solutions also depend upon thinking. That does not mean playing the victim or searching out experts, but reaching within to see the sense, goodness, and direction that lie there.

Through ninety-six chapters encompassing virtually every important aspect of life, this illustrated encyclopedic book is not just another opinion or belief. With startling common sense, Dr. Wysong helps readers unravel the most complex of human issues. By tapping into our own unlimited thinking resources we learn how to take rational control of our lives. It feels like coming up for air in a sea of insanity.

If you would like to understand life better, be healthier, happier, have meaning, contribute to a better world, and avoid some bumps and bruises along the way, this is your guidebook.

Author's Bio: 

This book review is part of a series that covers the topic of Life Lessons. The Official Guide to Life Lessons is Randy L Wysong. Dr. Wysong is author of Living Life as if Thinking Matters, Solving The Big Questions—as if Thinking Matters (providing answers to the dilemmas of: Where did we come from? Why are we here? Where are we going?), The Creation-Evolution Controversy (now in its twelfth printing), several books on nutrition, prevention, and health for people and animals, scientific articles on embryology, nutrition, health care, and surgical techniques, and over 400 printed and audio health newsletters since 1987. His websites are visited by more than thirty thousand visitors and “hit” almost three million times each month. He has practiced veterinary surgery and medicine, taught college courses in human anatomy, physiology, and the origin of life, designed and built innovative green homes, pioneered natural nutrition and preventive health for humans and animals, directed research and development resulting in over 300 clinical, nutritional, and nutraceutical inventions, and guided the philanthropic non-profit Wysong Institute.

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Randy Wysong, The Official Guide to Life Lessons