This book review is part of a series that covers the topic of Channeling. Channeling is the process of receiving and relaying information from an outside entity (usually purported to be the spirits of the dead) while in an altered state of consciousness. Carrie Carter is the Official Guide to Channeling.

On Earth As It Is In Heaven, by Carrie Carter, is a valuable resource for people interested in Channeling, and it is available through

Book Description

Have you ever wondered why you were put on this earth? Have you ever wondered if there was a rhyme or reason or a “mission” that you are here to fulfill? You will discover a sense of purpose in between the covers of this book. Reverend Carrie is a remarkable woman whose life has revolved around Angels and the Spirit Guide world since she was brought to this Earth Plain to serve her mission. She opens the door for you to the Spirit World within our “Touch” Everyday.

Author's Bio: 

This book review is part of a series that covers the topic of Channeling. The Official Guide to Channeling is Carrie Carter. Carrie Carter's channeled messages from the angels have helped thousands of people learn how to use their intuitive side to manifest their greatest desires. She is a gifted Channel and Medium. She channels Loved Ones in Spirit, Angels and Guides. At the age of five, Carrie became aware of her intense abilities of clairvoyance (seeing/remote viewing), clairaudience (inner hearing), empathy (feeling) and healing (channel for the healing energies of God and the Angels). These gifts have given her an amazing ability to help others heal from grief, as she channels messages from their deceased loved ones and angels. Her channeled messages have help thousands of clients overcome personal fears and live a more balanced, peaceful and enlightened life.

Additional Resources on Channeling can be found at:

Website Directory for Channeling
Articles on Channeling
Products for Channeling
Discussion Board
Carrie Carter, the Official Guide to Channeling