This book review is part of a series that covers the topic of Publishing. Publishing includes the stages of the development, acquisition, copyediting, graphic design, printing (and its electronic equivalents), and marketing and distribution of books, newspapers, magazines, musical works, software and other works dealing with information. Carol Adler is the Official Guide to Publishing.

Write to Publish for Profit, by Carol Adler, is a valuable resource for people interested in Publishing, and it is available through Dandelion Books, LLC.

Book Description

In the introduction to this downloadable ebook, author Carol Adler writes:

The Good Life starts with a dream, and if your dream is to become a successful published author, I’m here to celebrate and support you.

As a professional ghost writer, "book doctor," editor and publisher, I have spent many years “weaving the dreams” of others and serving as a midwife for the birth of some of the world’s most precious "children."

Write to Publish for Profit is a compilation of writing tips and techniques that I’m eager to share with you because I know they work. I sincerely hope this information will encourage you to take your writing to the next level—and let me say that even for a seasoned professional writer, there’s always a 'next level.'

May this book also motivate you to try many different types of writing in addition to those with which you are already familiar.

Author's Bio: 

This book review is part of a series that covers the topic of Publishing. The Official Guide to Publishing is Carol Adler. Carol Adler, MFA’s first ghost-written book listing her name as co-editor, Why Am I Still Addicted? A Holistic Approach to Recovery, was endorsed by Deepak Chopra, M.D., and published by McGraw-Hill. Other publications include three novels, four books of poetry, and well over 200 poems in literary journals. She has ghostwritten over 40 non-fiction and fiction works for a number of professionals in the education, health care and human potential industries.

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Carol Adler, The Official Guide to Publishing