Two years ago my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. I can still recall the feeling driving home after admitting her for a surgical procedure to remove a lump from her breast. What was the test results going to show? Did the cancer move into the lymphatic nodes under her arm? I was in a confused daze thinking what life would be like without Mom around. I can still feel the tears streaming from my eyes.

There are so many of us woman in the world who have felt these emotions of almost losing, or currently losing a special woman in our lives. We fear in these moments that we could develop breast cancer ourselves. We have been told that if women related to us have had breast cancer, we are genetically at risk. Surprisingly, there are a large percentage of women that develop breast cancer and have no genetic predisposition to it. The one thing that we all can focus on to prevent this cancer is simply our lifestyle! The choices we make when we eat and drink, if we exercise, and our thoughts are contributing factors to developing and preventing cancer. Today I would like to focus on fiber.

We never give fiber the credit it deserves and think fiber’s main use is for countering constipation. Isn’t fiber a product for the elderly who need to get things moving? Fiber does so much more and is the forgotten nutrient of today’s times. According to the Mayo clinic website we woman should focus pumping up our fiber intake to at least 20 to 30 grams daily, about twice the average.

Fiber is responsible for cleaning out our intestinal lining and our colon. Fiber also helps in the absorption of important nutrients that otherwise would just pass through our bodies unused. In recent studies, it has been shown that fiber also helps in reducing cancers and fighting fatty buildup in the bloodstream, helping to keep the arteries clean. Fiber may also reduce the amount of circulating estrogen in a woman’s body, which show’s why it is a good prevention to breast cancer according to Dr. Bob Arnot author of The Breast Cancer Prevention Diet.

The best places to get fiber are vegetables, fruits and whole grains. I suggest not settling for less than 8 grams of fiber in a serving of cereal, or 3 grams in a slice of bread. The closer to 30 grams of fiber a day the better. As a woman and a mother, I can understand the pressures we all face to balance our lives and maintain our health. I strongly encourage you to make use of your local health food stores where you can purchase higher fiber cereals, breads, chips, tortillas, snack foods and even yogurts

Take charge right now in the prevention of breast cancer. Learn the facts. Eat more fiber rich foods and enjoy living your life!

Cited References:
Arnot, Dr. Bob. The Breast Cancer Prevention Diet. New York: Little, Brown and Company, 1998 (breast cancer), 2008. Online.

Author's Bio: 

R. rene' is a Shamanic Energy Practitioner and Harmonic Health and Nutrition Coach. She has over 10 years expereince and knowledge gathering in alternative and prevenative health. A firm believer in living naturally and in oneness with the world. Rene' provides her services both locally and long distance. To view further details please view Discovering Namaste' at