How many people do you hear complaining about their job, where they live, how little money they have, or how they can never take a vacation?
How many times have you heard those same people, when they hear about someone else who made a lot of money from an idea, say,
“I could have done that!” But yet, they didn’t.
And they continue to complain about where they are in life.
A friend of mine owns a dog grooming business, and she buys supplies from another pet business in town.
One day, as she talked to the owner, she found out that the owner’s husband made liver treats for dogs—he bought liver at wholesale, cut it into thin strips, dried it, packaged it, and retailed it to pet businesses. Eventually he got a contract with a distribution company and was doing very well withwhat started out as a simple side business.
My friend was upset when she was talking to me. She explained that she had had that idea several months earlier, but didn’t follow through because she didn’t think it would fit into her business.
“I could have done that!” she said, with some resentment in her voice.
You know what? She was right. She could have “done” that. She had the idea. But she didn’t follow through.
Do you see yet what the number one success secret is?
You must take action! You must put your ideas into play.
You will not be successful if you don’t take action. You can have as many ideas as you want, read as many books as you want, listen to motivational tapes, and watch inspirational speakers, but if you do notact on what you learn, you will not be successful.
It really is that simple.
If you have a great idea but stand still with it, nothing will happen. You have to walk—or better yet, run!—with your idea to make it happen.
After all, who was successful with the dog snack idea?
Was it my friend, who quite possibly had the idea first, or was it her friend’s husband, who actually followed through with the idea?
The person who takes action will be successful.
I know that it can be difficult to take action, especially if you are used to not doing so. It can be very hard to break out of the bad habit of inaction. That’s why you need to take action to be successful.
To your success,
Patric Chan
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