Welcome to the world of working at home. The very lack of structure and a defined place to go to work can undermine our best efforts and intentions. Don’t get me wrong, working at home is a wonderful thing, you're in control of your schedule, you can dress casually…and yet….you may still find yourself ending each day feeling like you haven't accomplished anything.

Why? Because it's easy to find the line between work and home becoming blurred. We think that since we're here and we have a moment, we'll just toss in another load of laundry. Or, after eating lunch we find ourselves cleaning the kitchen instead of our just our dishes.

What can you do? Here are some simple strategies that have worked for me and many of my associates.

1. Create a space dedicated to work
Your work area may be located in its own room, a home office area, unused bedroom, dining room or any other room that can be used as an office, or you find yourself setting up your office in a part or section of a room. Either of these situations can be positive work situations as long as you have clearly created a work environment that is supportive of your needs. This space should have a desk or work area, shelves, file cabinet, phone and computer all set up and organized in a way that makes it easy for you to get your work done. When you are in this space you are at work. That means no laundry, household chores or answering the home phone while you're at work.

2. Keep a schedule
Start and stop at the same time each day and honor those times. This isn't the time to work on a home project, this is time that you have set aside to dedicate to your work. I set my schedule up so that my work hours coincide with my children's school hours, this way there are no distractions or family interruptions. When my children are at school, I'm at work. When they're home, I'm at home. My focus is clear and everyone's happy.

3. Take regular breaks
To truly function at your best and most productive it's important to schedule regular breaks into your day. Take care of yourself, drink plenty of water, eat regular, nutritious meals, and get outside and stretch! As Jim Loehr says in The Power of Full Engagement, "We don't mismanage our time, we mismanage our energy" Take time to re-energize and refresh yourself. You’ll be amazed at how much more productive you are when you make time for yourself.

4. Maximize your natural energy levels
Use your natural energy levels to your advantage. If you're like me and you're more focused in the morning, schedule your creative projects in the morning and do the simpler, routine tasks in the afternoon, such as returning calls or email.. If you're an afternoon or evening person, set your routine up so that you take advantage of that. I have clients that do their best work at night and they've set their schedules up to reflect that. You'll get more done in a shorter period of time when you work with your natural rhythm rather than against it.

5. Keep the TV off
If you like working with a little background noise, play some light music in the background, or get a fountain or white noise machine. Just don't turn on the TV. The TV has a magical way of grabbing your attention and the next thing you know hours have gone by! If you find you need a distraction, take a walk or read a work related book. Keeping your focus in work related areas while taking time out often creates the energy that produces wonderful and creative results.

Integrate these 5 action steps into your work routine this month and you’ll be amazed at how much more productive you are!

Author's Bio: 

Laurie is the founder of Harmony Life, LLC, a firm specializing in Interior Alignment practitioner training, and mentoring for women entrepreneurs. She is an internationally recognized Feng Shui practitioner, Master Teacher of Interior Alignment, mentor for the Western School of Feng Shui®, Business on Purpose Marketing Expert, and Education Director of the International Feng Shui Guild. You can reach her at laurie@harmony-life.net