Daily motivation, why is that important? Consider this, what is the likelihood that you will even attempt any goal without some sort of motivation? Lack of motivation has stopped more people from achieving their personal greatness than anything else.
Daily Motivation keeps you focused. Motivation produces hope. Motivation provides a surge of energy that will propel you to take action. While others “talk about” what they will do, you will act. Motivation must be a natural part of your everyday life. No one is ‘naturally’ motivated all the time. “Life” still happens to all of us and brings us down. Even those who motivate others sometimes need motivation themselves.

The easiest way I know of to maintain a daily surge of motivation is to borrow some ideas and techniques from others. I personally borrow the ideas and techniques from Les Brown, T. Harv Eker, Mark Victor Hansen, Jack Canfield, Zig Ziglar, Steve Scott, Gary Coxe, Anthony Robbins, Earl Nightingale, and a host of others.

I regularly inundate my mind with positive messages from the all of the above teachers and more. I have found that watching the drama of television is pointless. I have found that the people who are truly living at the level I’m striving for watch very little television. Truly successful people focus on self development.

I heard a quote from Les Brown that has changed my life forever. Les said, “You must trade in who you’ve been for who you must become.” What a profound statement. When you personally make a decision to trade who you’ve been for whom you must become, the process may be difficult to initiate. It may include doing things that seem to be uncomfortable: changing certain habits, changing certain friends, changing your financial spending habits. Whatever it takes for you to live a natural state of motivation, make a commitment and do it.

Also realize that you are not in this alone. The above authors and speakers share personal experiences that may be just the thing to help you dig yourself out of that pit and focus like never before. Daily motivation means not having to attend a seminar every week to keep yourself pumped. It may take some time for you to totally perfect this, but don't stop trying. As I close I want to leave another quote from another hero of mine. Jack Canfield said, "You deserve to have your life exactly the way you want it." I believe that statement with everything in me. When you start to believe that, you will find that staying motivated to achieve your goals will never be a challenge again.

As you pursue your goals, learn from the lessons and examples of others. Develop an attitude that you deserve to have your life exactly the way you want it and soon you will find yourself living that life. I have confidence in you that you can life in a constant state of daily motivation.

Author's Bio: 

Demond is the owner of
Self Empowerment Network
where visitors can get an accurate Personal Mission Statement.  After the mission statement, please visit our Self Empowerment Goals section to develop your dream life. Demond is also an Expert Author on