Life-balance is a myth! Yes, you heard right. There's no such thing as life balance - at least not on a permanent basis. Let me explain…

The Myth

To say that you have life-balance implies that all areas of your life are in balance - physical, career, financial, relationships, spiritual - you get the picture. It's impossible to have balance in ALL areas of your life at the same time - physically and emotionally impossible.

Life balance further implies that all areas of your life are created equal. That's just not true. At different times in your life, different areas will demand more of your attention. For instance, when you're in your early twenties your focus may be more on career, while later in life it may be on family - your growing family.

Life Balance - What it Really Is

What we're really searching for is a place where the things that are most important to us can fit into our daily lives, while giving us a sense of peace, connectedness, and confidence in our achievements. We've overcomplicated life in the twenty-first century, losing touch with who we are, what we really want, and what is possible for us. Finding balance is as individual and unique as each of us - because we're each different, have different needs and wants, and are on different life paths.

Contrary to popular belief, we CAN have it all - it just takes focus and an eye to personal growth.

De-bunking the Myth

Balance suggests life is static and we all know this isn't true. We're either living or dying - changing and growing or winding down. It's the same principle in the different areas of our lives; when one area fades away in importance, another will take it's place. That's where the natural flow lies.

So, how do you create balance in your crazy life? Focus…

    * Know that you can't do it all. You know who I'm talking about - you're not Superwoman (or Superman)…okay, maybe you are, but you still can't do it all. Accepting this will go a long way to ridding yourself of self-inflicted and unnecessary stress.
    * Focus on the most important areas of your life right now. Is that career, financial, family, health? Just focus on two areas to begin. Once you've mastered those, juggle in another area. Remember, focus on what's most important.
    * Delegate. An easy word, not so easy to implement for many of us. We think that if we delegate we will lose control. Here's a secret: you gain control when you delegate - control of your life, your stress, your time, your happiness. Delegate those not-so-important things to others. It will give them a sense of responsibility and accomplishment, and most importantly, give you time to focus on what's most important to You.
    * Filter out the non-relevant. We are bombarded with over 60,000 messages every day. Can you imagine if we tried to address each and every one? I don't even want to think about it! Our subconscious mind will filter out what it decides is irrelevant. It does this by way of what we tell our mind is important, what we consciously focus on. Promise yourself to focus ONLY on what's most important and let the little things go. They'll clog your mind and your time and take you into overwhelm again.
    * Get to know yourself. Growth - personal growth. It's your job to get to know who you are, what you want, what makes you tick, what your purpose in life is…no one else can do this for you. With a better understanding of you, what's important will take on a deeper meaning and be much easier to achieve. This is a continual process during your life and one of the most rewarding.

Balancing life and finding life-balance is within reach. Knowing ourselves, knowing what's really important is the key to maintaining our equilibrium in life. You CAN have it all!

Author's Bio: 

A Message from Miki Strong, Founder of Mi Hamba:
Each and everyone of us has the potential to live an extraordinary life. Discovering our purpose can unlock the door to it being a happy and fulfilling one. Many people ask us how to go about doing just that. They're unhappy, overworked, stressed and want to live their dreams - at the same time they often think it's not possible. At Mi Hamba we excel at showing you how to unlock that door and discover your own potential.

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Miki Strong
Founder, Mi Hamba