Research indicates that 1 out of every 10 adults will suffer from a disease called acid reflux in their lifetime. Also known as Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD); the condition occurs when the acidic liquid content of the stomach travels back into the esophagus.

The symptoms can become extremely painful and can escalate to other medical complications. Healthcare providers generally recommend temporary drug maintenance, but they also suggest a specific diet for acid reflux disease.

There are several symptoms that you may experience that would indicate the development of this disease. Such symptoms may include heartburn, which is the most common. Heartburn is a burning sensation that rises from the stomach or lower chest up towards the neck.

Regurgitation is another common symptom of GERD. Regurgitation occurs when food reenters the mouth after swallowing. These and other prominent symptoms are capable of lasting several months if left untreated.

The symptoms are a result of partial digestion of food in the stomach. The acidic liquid as well as enzymes in the stomach do not fully breakdown the food in order for the body to use it.

If this inability to fully breakdown food that you are consuming persists, you may need to consider implementing a diet for acid reflux disease. While implementing this diet, your primary physician may prescribe certain medications as a precautionary measure.

The drug treatment should only be temporary, however. Short-term medication treatment is sometimes repeated as the symptoms may reoccur. There are several factors as well as foods that consistently contribute to acid reflux. The physician will recommend that you exclude these factors from your daily lifestyle, of course, to improve overall health.


1. Obesity/Overweight
2. Cigarettes/Smoking
3. Alcohol use
4. Pregnancy

There is also a list of foods that are a high risks for exasperating the condition. It is recommended that you avoid these products when considering a diet for acid reflux disease.


1. tomato-based foods
2. drinks with caffeine
3. fatty and fried foods
4. chocolate
5. spicy foods
6. citrus fruits
7. onions

Conclusively, whatever you decide to eat, consider your meal time and the size of the meal. A victim of acid reflux disease should wait at least three hours post- eating before lying down. Furthermore, when lying down, it is necessary to be sure that the head is raised 6-8 inches to assist with proper digestion. Remember, you can stop the progression or even cure acid reflux simply by being cautious about the food that you eat.

Author's Bio: 

Alvin Hopkinson is a leading health researcher in the area of natural remedies and acid reflux treatment. Discover how you can have instant heartburn relief using proven and effective home remedies, all without using harmful medications or drugs. Visit his site now at