Do You Have Any Idea Where You’re Going??/Life Direction

The above question can be found as part of a collage of questions on a bill board in Dallas. They are questions from God.
Upon seeing this, it made me reflect.

There was a time that I had no idea of where I was going. Then as they say, sh*t happened and my life went tilt.

I had no idea of where I was going, but made a decision that I couldn’t go where I was heading.

A spiritual awakening, a lot of help, much soul searching, a ton of support and constant gratitude! A new journey began with new purpose and new, positive direction. A journey of hope, a lot of serenity, and no final destination. A journey filled with gratitude and satisfaction in learning, and helping others!!
I am shocked, in talking with others, how many people are struggling to find out where they are going and who they really are. Some hide behind addictions or become actors on the stage of life, characters with no belief that the character is them. Many have no spiritual foundation (not to be confused with religion), and are drifting in the “cosmic void”.
For 14 years I’ve wanted to be able to help others. I’ve spent a life time trying to do for others, and found that some of this was so I wouldn’t have to look at me.
My journey began by finding out who I am, and life is work in progress.

I have a gift, and the gift is value added through experience and education. I know my life’s purpose with clarity and love the opportunity to do what is my true calling.
When I tell some people I coach and mentor, they look at me like I have two heads. In some parts of the world, using personal coaches is an accepted part of life, a necessity for many. Canada is slow to adopt, and slow to change. But it is changing.
Many have addictions or addicted people in their life, and do not know where to turn. They want guidance and confidentiality, and are not yet prepared to go public in “self-help” groups. I am privileged to work with these people and make a difference.

If it’s living an addiction free life or setting goals for the future and getting to really know who you are, I can help and have been the instrument that has redirected the lives of many!

I know where I’m going, do you??

Author's Bio: 

Life Transformation Coach, Addictions Mentor