Hoovert was a child who, due to reject, fell right down into the bowels of the earth; down there where drugs like ‘bazuco’ and crack cocaine are kings of the darkness because they are the only foundations able to support the torture of being forced to live in a sewer. And as if such conditions weren’t enough, he lived with the constant fear and danger that the foul waters might get blocked, then under pressure release overwhelmingly strong currents which carry away with them planks, rocks and defenceless children.

In this dark world Hoovert asked himself: “Where is God? And if I am a child, why do they reject me? Why, when I go up into the street, do they push me aside? Why, if I lie down to rest on the pavement or a park bench, do they chase me away with truncheons? Why can’t I go into a cinema, a bakery, a shopping centre or an amusement park like any other person? Why, if I’m here and alive, do they look at me as if I were a ‘disposable’ member of society?

Hoovert didn’t understand why if the world apparently belongs to everyone, he couldn’t enjoy anything and was relegated to suffering insults, blows, torture and abandon. Nobody understood that he was just a child who deep down dreamt that one day somebody would come and rescue him from this hell, taking him to a home full of love with a father, a mother, brothers and sisters.

Finally, after he’d been living in the darkness of the sewer for many years, I went down there one day and said to him: Hoovert, the future isn’t what we’re waiting for or what we’re suffering now. The future is what we make of our own lives. It doesn’t matter where you are, what’s important is where you’re going to and that you dream of things that will make you happy. The most important thing in life is to dream. And when you have a dream, live it with all the burning strength of your heart, feel it with all the passion you have so that all your feelings vibrate with energy. Think and feel what you’re going to achieve, that’s how your dream will become reality. These words resonated in his heart, leading him to realise that the light came not from outside but from within himself.

Hoovert escaped his terrible fate thanks to his capacity to conceive dreams, to visualise them, to fill them with life and to work hard until they became reality.

Author's Bio: 

Intent.com is a premier wellness site and supportive social network where like-minded individuals can connect and support each others' intentions. Founded by Deepak Chopra's daughter Mallika Chopra, Intent.com aims to be the most trusted and comprehensive wellness destination featuring a supportive community of members, blogs from top wellness experts and curated online content relating to Personal, Social, Global and Spiritual wellness.