Everything is energy. I have spent more than a decade studying different energy modalities, and I have now come to the conclusion that healing with energy is not something you learn to do by reading, by listening to a lecture or by doing anything as another "expert" would do it. This is the kind of thing that comes best through flying-blind-by-the-seat-of-your-pants-on-fire experimentation. There is no such thing as "doing it wrong" when it comes to energy healing as long as you have the highest intent. If your intended outcome is not to do harm to yourself or someone else, then it doesn't matter how many rules of dogma a traditionalist tells you you're breaking. And a traditionalist will tell you. At length. Dogma is dogma whether we're talking fundamentalist christianity or fundamentalist energy healing. It has no place in your flow if the flow is something with which you truly wish to go. That is not to say that someone, who is more familiar with their energy than you may be with yours, cannot offer great advice, practical working tips or wonderful all-out wisdom. But they cannot tell you "how" to use your energy. That would be like you building a car that only you know how to run and then asking someone else about the intricate mechanical why's and wherefore's. Trust yourself. If you don't then pretend you do until you feel that first glimpse of warm validation. Carry no expectation because that is your fastest route to disappointment. You get too busy looking ahead at the destination that you miss all of the wonderful historical points of interest along the way, if you get my drift. No one can utilize your energy more powerfully than you. Sit comfortably, rest your hands on your body wherever they comfortably fall and just breathe. Just see what happens...

Author's Bio: 

Reiki Master/Teacher - Usui, Karuna Ki, Seichim, Templar Degree... Certified Vibrational Sound Therapist... Craniosacral Therapist... Certified Reflexologist... Nationally Certified Energetic Bodyworker... College-Level instructor of traditional chinese medicine and energy medicine