One of our biggest challenges is giving. For people whose lives are spent immersed in the scarcity mentality, driven by a system that perpetuates wealth, greed and competition to the exclusion of all else, it can be difficult to pry ourselves out from under the weight of so many oppressive thought forms. We often find ourselves automatically reverting to that well-honed instigator of false fear in certain situations.

Giving without expectation represents such a letting go of the limiting social conduits that we have traversed throughout the generations. Giving, when done for its own sake rather than in response or under condition, offers an intrinsic reward, the knowledge that you made another persons life, at least in that moment, a better place.

What if we saw every aspect of our lives as an opportunity to give of ourselves through our loving energy and allowance of the perfection of the moment? Even if we can't give money, at least we can send our open heart and extend to others the 'vibrational respect' afforded to any fellow soul traveler, and the same one-ness and divinity as the source from which we stem as well. Money is the least that we can give, when we think how priceless and easy unconditional love can be.

We can become more aware of the fine line that we walk in the moment. That line represents the shift in awareness from reacting to living, from submitting to giving; offering up our experience with gratitude to the collective human psyche and to the universal source of All.

Our skills are our gifts. Our dreams are our gifts. Our entire lives can be seen as a beautiful and expansive gifts to humanity, complete and perfect in their own right regardless of perceived social status. It's time to put it all into proper perspective and use the gifts that we have available within ourselves to uplift and inspire in whatever ways that they can. As we do this, our gifts will become even more valuable as our depth and perception of what it means to give will be heightened and our awareness will expand.

We can strive to experience our life, in word and in deed, the things that we choose to call work and most importantly our intention to create as our personal gifts to the world that we live in. Even those people who seem to bring only sorrow, pain and suffering are valuable in their souls mission. Without the pain; without the darkness and the heartache, the splendor of unconditional love would never be known. Those who would destroy the efforts of others are teachers in our lives, uniting those of us who would take a stand against their tyranny, empowering us to join forces for the highest good.

When we find acceptance in our challenges, if not joy, we begin to balance the tremendous energies that are within us and radiate our gifts even more. Understanding that our individual contributions, no matter how great, are but cosmic particles of the overall big picture that is Source returning unto itself, we can cut ourselves some slack, realize that it isn't coming out on top that we need to be focusing is how effectively we can share our gifts with the whole of creation while we are here on Earth in our amazing human form.

Giving each moment in full awareness that something important is coming from them, even though we cannot always see it, we are growing through our own innate wisdom. Competition and scarcity only exists if we allow it. When we let go of the need to compete or compare, as well as to control, and instead simply and deliberately share our gifts with humanity in all of the various ways that we are able, we see even more clearly the effect that our intention has upon our circumstances.

Participation in this world comes much easier when one is boldly giving, rather than meekly submitting to life in all of its moments.

Author's Bio: 

Angie Hewerdine can be seen as a Writer, Life Coach, Energy Worker, Unschooler and Advocate for Personal Responsibility, Empowerment and Awakening. Visit the Blog at