An alarming amount of investors still don’t believe in the true value of gold, even after gaining access to overwhelming evidence of its buying power. Central banks are steadily selling gold, but that’s not enough proof for some that gold is holding its own weight in the economic crisis.

In fact, people involved in Economic Engineering would lead you to believe that Central banks only sell gold so they can get rid of their cumbersome supply. They would tell you that gold is an ancient relic from barbaric times, a non-interest-earning expense that banks are just itching to unload on unsuspecting investors. They might liken gold to worthless lumps of rock that are taking up space in bank vaults.

I beg to differ. According to the New King James Bible: “’The silver is Mine, and the gold is Mine,’ says the Lord of hosts.” (Haggai 2:8) If it’s good enough for Him, you’d better believe that it’s good enough for us!

Not only that, but in Revelations 21:21, we learn that “The twelve gates were twelve pearls: each individual gate was of one pearl. And the Street of the city was pure gold, like transparent glass.”

What does this tell us? Quite simply, that gold stands the tests of time and value in Gods book. One would think that He would be rather selective in his choice of materials used to build His home up above, and gold is obviously worthy enough to make the cut.

If the message I’m giving you rings true, then you’re probably a believer of the laws of the Universe, otherwise known as God’s laws, otherwise known as the laws of supply and demand…no matter what you call them, just know that these laws are more powerful than you or I. Through these principles, you can also see that gold is the utmost source of wealth because of its ultimate permanence. That is, gold isn’t going anywhere…it’s going to be around forever.

Let’s continue our discussion of why Central banks are selling gold. Man says: “If I were a Central bank and my ability to print endless amounts of paper money…it was my power…my authority…and the only thing that would wake people up to my con is if God massively revalued to match the amount of currency I have been pumping into the system for the last 3 decades…yes…then indeed I might want to manage the price of gold by selling into the market.”

Okay, so we’ve determined that Central banks are selling gold and don’t appear to have any plans to cease and desist any time soon. And now we’ve determined why they’re selling gold: so they can control its price.

Of course, no manmade court of law will touch this case with a ten-foot pole, so what can we do? Well, we can consult the powers that be, a.k.a. the Laws of the Universe. According to them, the Central banks are facing the choice of three fates. They will either: 1) sell all the gold they have in reserve, 2) change their minds and start buying the gold back, or 3) face an uncontrollable run on gold, as in the London Gold Pool of the mid-1900’s.

More and more people are finally starting to realize what’s really going on in our economy and the uncertain financial systems currently in place. After all, seeing trillions of dollars created out of thin air will start to make you wonder where all the money our government is loaning out is coming from. Not only that, but it’ll start to make you truly realize the value of the oldest and most stable currency available: gold.

As a side note, do you have any idea how much debt the current economic crisis has really put our government in? Here’s a little perspective on the value of just one billion:

• Travel back in time a billion seconds, and you’d find yourself in 1959.
• Travel back a billion minutes, and you’d get to meet Jesus Christ.
• Travel back a billion hours, perhaps the world didn’t exist yet depending on your view of how the world started.

And that’s just a billion…we’re talking about a debt valued at $7.8 trillion and counting. Is your mind boggled yet? . Are you still believing man’s explanation of our origin’s evolution? Or trusting in God’s word for your answers?

Genesis 1:1: In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

Author's Bio: 

Ron Wellman is the founder of We Invest Online, Inc., an international investment concierge company specializing in high quality, luxury investments and alternative investment opportunities for today’s sophisticated investors. His main priority is seeking out investment projects that minimize risk, maximize tax deductions and increase profitability. For more information on how he can help you make informed investment decisions, please visit his website at