"How might your life have been different if there had been a place for you?...A place of women to help you find and trust the ancient flow already there within yourself...waiting to be released..."
- Judith Duerk

Lately I have been thinking about centering a lot. The maze of midlife can be very challenging to navigate as so much is transforming within us. The circuitry rewiring that’s taking place affects every system in our bodies. It doesn’t stop at changes in menstrual cycles, low energy, energy surges, passionate, strong emotions, or changes in sleep patterns. Our very spirit is affected.

I’ve written often about my philosophy of midlife – that it is the internal journey that is the important one – not the outward manifestations of change. (Although I don’t deny that the outward complexities can certainly be challenging). The journey that begins roughly in our late 30’s does not stop when we become menopausal. We are different and our priorities reflect that.

When we are experiencing uncertainty and perhaps even chaos in any or all parts of our lives, there’s really nowhere to go but inward, toward our center…toward that part of us where stillness lies. We can picture our center as an actual place if that makes it easier. Years ago in a guided visualization we were asked to envision in great detail an idyllic room or scene that dwelt inside us. As I recall it was in our head, although it could be in our heart or any other area we desire.

Eckhart Tolle offers a simple suggestion for moving our attention from our usual external emphasis to an internal one. He invites us to bring our attention first to our hands, and feel the energy in them. Then to do the same with our feet, then with other parts of our body. In this way we feel the aliveness that lives inside us. This is our spirit.

Another way to center is by using a Budhist smiling meditation. We start by sitting in meditative pose with a smile on our faces. We continue to imagine other parts of our body smiling, until even our liver smiles. This brings a connection with our center, and with it joy.

I believe that the key to centering lies in slowing ourselves down. Breathing deeply has that effect. Even one deep breath can bring us to the place where stillness lies. Having the desire, some simple tools, and the commitment to go towards our center on a regular basis changes the quality of our lives. It also helps everyone else on the planet.

Author's Bio: 

Ellen Besso inspires Midlife Women as they navigate the midlife maze and find joy & fullness in their lives. During our time together we will renew body, mind and spirit and dissolve beliefs that keep you from your ideal life.

My calling is to support and mentor midlife women. I am uniquely qualified to do this with 25 years as a women’s coach and counsellor and as a fellow midlife maze navigator

I invite you to contact me if you have any questions or would like to book a session

To find out more and read my articles: info@ellenbesso.com

Blog: ellenbesso.com/midlifemaze
800 961 1364 – N.Am.