Reconnecting to your inner child, what does this mean? Why do I need to do this? , and who is this inner child anyway? And what has Never Never land got to do with it?
Your Inner child is a part of you, a real being. A fragment of your soul. The part of you that first consciously evolves from in the womb until six years of age. This child during this time experiences the world, and forms from these experiences her/his emotional pattern for life. This is the most important time in a person’s emotional development, because what happens now lays down behaviour patterns for life, good and bad.
It would be fair to say the Inner child is the real you, the innocent beautiful, angelic being that you came in as.
So why do I need to reconnect? Well you might not have to, but just need to acknowledge his or her existence and strengthen the bond.
If you need to reconnect it’s because the energetic connection has been severed and this fragment of your soul has been lost. This loss of connection occurs because of serious emotional, physical or mental trauma has been witnessed or been done to, and has occurred in the first six years of life [including the time in the womb] and the child has chosen to flee.
These children flee to the Cave or Never Never land. This place is very real , J.M Barrie’s story of Peter Pan and the lost and neglected boys is in part true ., children do escape to another plane of existence , remember we are talking about a soul fragment not a physical being. This soul fragment, this child may stay in the cave for the whole of your life if you do not make an attempt to heal your emotional issues, traumas and pain.
My sister and I who do this reconnecting work have met people who know there is a part of themselves missing and don’t know what to do. We have also met people who have completely blanked out their childhoods because it is too painful to go there. Others have known they have left whilst in the womb. Some people do not ‘do fun’, do not know how to play , be in joy, have wonder, have no concept of their child like qualities which are an essential part of our ability to experience the world. We have also met people who have a poor range of emotions.
Emotional energy in the form of traumas, issues, long held pain is held in your cellular memory and therefore it is in your tissues. This energy when it is not dealt with continues to grow as you experience your issues in different ways down the years, eventually this energy can begin to cause cellular change leading to dis-ease. If your emotional pattern begins in childhood then this is where you need to begin the healing process. This may be an energetic reconnection to your inner child through healing energy and the use of appropriate flower essences, or it may be just a strengthening of your connection and to begin work on childhood

Author's Bio: 

We both are Reiki Masters, Spiritual teachers and mentors and also Facilators of Inner child Reconnection and Healing