Organisations depend on both management and their staff to become successful. Happy workers who enjoy their jobs and are rewarded for their efforts are most beneficial to the company, wanting to go that extra mile and work harder.

Happy, satisfied staff work better and are more attentive to customers, with their positive attitudes being contagious and rewarding. You do have to watch out for unhappy staff too and try to rectify this situation as soon as possible, in order to stop that feeling spreading across the office too. Low morale not only affects other members of staff, but customers too. It can affect productivity and cause complaints in the office.

Maintain Regular Contact

Make sure in order to avoid this situation that you maintain regular contact with your staff, showing them that you care about them and their contribution to the office. You can also introduce staff satisfaction surveys, giving staff a way to express their feelings and have their say. Any issues raised can be raised during staff meetings.

Staff lunches, celebrations and rewards for extra hard work carried out during the month can also be introduced as types of ways to motivate staff.

Value Staff

Companies who praise staff, make them feel valuable and recognise all hard work placed by the individuals. They will have a workforce that is happy and satisfied and therefore their productivity will increase and they will stay with the organisation. This will mean the company won’t have to keep spending out money to training up new staff who will ultimately go on to work for other organisations, therefore loosing the company money and wasting their time.

The success of your business depends upon employee happiness and changes always being made for the better. If you have the right outlook and tackle situations in the right way, your organisation will be a success.

Author's Bio: 

Andrew Rondeau transformed himself from a $4 an-hour petrol-pump attendant to a highly successful Senior Manager earning $500k every year.

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