What do you stand on, a solid foundation or a soft sandy, unsecured platform? Do you keep your mind actively seeking how to choose the right way to live your life?

You can choose to live anyway you like, however, you don't get to choose the consequences of your continual actions and behaviors. What you do helps you to move in the chosen direction ... it does not guarantee the results.

By supporting yourself, your family, as well as others who rely on you and whom you care about ... you actually lift everyone up to a higher level of wellness.

Giving to others is an integral part to making positive strides in the direction your life takes.

Hey guys/gals ... we're all in the same boat. It is called community. If one of us only thinks about ourself, and accidentally drills a hole under our seat, we ALL sink and drown.

If we practice, promote and exhibit unity, working together ... it is this way that the tide rises and we all are lifted together in the higher level of abundant resource.

When we think only of ourself, we accentuate our weakness and diminish our strength. Together, putting all the weaknesses and strengths into one vat ... an unlimited combination of Balanced strongholds have the potential to develop.

In business, we must join strength with weakness to survive, ride the tide of adversity, and make it to the final resting place on the shore ... the final frontier ... your Dreams.

My theme of balance for my life is prevalent. This concept is so ingrained in my blood, being and essence of who I am that I want to throw people against a wall and shout to them at the top of my lungs to help them to realize that without a balanced plan, your life won't work.

"One cannot do right in one department of life whilst he is occupied in doing wrong in any other department. Life is one indivisible whole." -- Mahatma Gandhi

Let's reduce to simple ... to grassroots logic, in that you are only as strong as your weakest link ... eventually, the stress will break you and all you are committed to accomplish will end.

How many so called "successful" people do you personally know who are doomed due to neglect in as little as one area in their life?

Health always comes to mind first, then family & relationships. Try happiness on for size, I mean true happiness and personal fulfillment. Do you feel loved enough in life? What can you do to get the stuff that life is made of? I didn't say Dreams this time ... I said Life ... really living like there was no tomorrow.

By taking the time, going through the grunt work, the discipline and mental effort to choose, decide, commit to what it means to "get to the top", you will figure it out.

Your efforts will be an example that others will bang down your door to copy.

Without Balance, or a plan to seek Balance in your life... your current circumstance is temporary, eventually causing you to fall as you would if you didn't maintain balance while walking, riding a bicycle or even just standing in place.

Figure out Balance by starting to Figure it out. What does it mean to have Balance in your life? How will not having Balance in your life affect your desire to get what you want?

Is Balance really possible or is it a pipedream? In any case, from the moment you set your sights on such a worthy goal and start to take action, you begin to reap its rewards. The actual attainment is only the final reward - there are many more along the way.

A great start point is to be satisfied with what you have. Often imbalance comes into our lives when we become discontented with what we have. So take inventory of what you have now, and what it is that you still desire to earn.

Explore the formula that can make success a Reality: Focus and Balance will lead to Discipline which will control your Attitude and HAPPINESS (YAY!).

Author's Bio: 


Contributed by Ed Hirsch

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