Scientifically, Observation has an effect on the results of an experiment.

Similarly, a Self-Fulfilling prophecy is when "a false definition of the situation evokes a new behavior which makes the original false conception come true."

What we say to others and how we articulate our thoughts and intentions, has created the life you have today and will have in the future. You can change What You Say to change the cause/effect results.

Before you or I say something negatively about another person, we really need to examine our own life and determine if we stand up to our own expectations of how we believe that we ourselves should live.

This is very sobering and causes oneself to look deeply inward to measure what we do, why we do it, how we do it and the reason for doing it. In this case, doing also means saying and being.

Does the way you behave each and every day actually jive with how YOU THINK YOU behave each day? Many people delude themselves here, or mislead the mind or judgement of your mind's thoughts.

It is tough to get accurate counsel from those who really Know you. In most cases, the truth hurts ... is hard to accept and total honesty just makes it extremely difficult to embrace and accept the reality. With understanding, this of course, would force changed behavior, more commonly known as behavior modification.

Most people cannot handle the truth! I believe the reason is because the majority of folks simply do not walk their talk. Discipline and consistent hard work are bare essentials and it usually requires a strong WHY or CLEAR Vision to stay motivated long enough to bring your goals and dreams closure.

Educated probability is only a *Chance* that we take AND make in most of our thinking/decisions/behaviors. The truth is that none of us know everything and it can be a wise revelation to embrace the concept that there are things that you don't know ... that you don't know.

Begin to seek out and explore what this concept means. To open your mind enough and learn from others who may have been just where you are now, and may be willing to share their learning's with you.

I can't tell you what may happen? In any event, go ahead and find out for yourself.


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Best regards,

Ed Hirsch

ICQ# 55939361 650-872-1024

So. San Francisco, California

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