5 things you need to do or not do to get a 6 pack:

1. The main focus should not be on abdominal exercises. I know that sounds counterintuitive, but the fact of the matter is that abdominal exercises are ok, and you do need to do a certain amount of them to develop the abs as best as possible. But to be honest, most people that are trying to get better looking abdominals waste WAY too much time training the abs directly. What you really need to focus on is burning off the extra fat that is covering them up.

2. You do not need to focus on mega-hours of boring, monotonous cardio routines. In fact, you don't have to do any typical "cardio" if you don't want to and you can still achieve rippling abs.

3. You do not need to use supplements or "fat-loss" pills. For the most part, about 95% of supplements are a complete waste of your hard earned money.

4. You do not need to use any fancy "ab machines" or "ab gadgets". You can accomplish everything that ab belts, ab loungers, ab rockers, or any other worthless ab gadget or machine claims to offer just by doing the right exercises the correct way.

5. You do not need to follow some fad diet or gimmicky diet trend. You do need to follow some sound nutritional strategies however that will increase you metabolism and allow you to effectively burn calories all day long (even while you sleep).

The fact is that you do not need "gimmicks" to have or to achieve a 6-pack of abs. That's what we are led to believe as we are constantly bombarded with marketing and advertising that tells us otherwise. The fact is that they need to come up with some sort of different "angle", so that their diet program appears unique and gives the media something to talk about. That's why there's always some gimmick, like low-fat, or low-carb, or high protein, or the "colors diet", the "low glycemic index diet", the fasting diet, the cabbage diet, Atkins, South Beach... you name it.

If you are asking yourself what do I need to do for 6 pack abs then the truth of the matter about what it really takes is to eat a nutritious diet that not only will have you burning off that stubborn belly fat, but will also have you feeling full of energy every single day. If you don't already feel energetic and alive every single day, then you are missing out, because it is an awesome feeling!

Author's Bio: 

Abdominal exercises do NOT burn fat away from your abs! This can only be accomplished through a much more effective full body training routine that maximizes both your metabolic response and your hormonal response to your workouts. Learn more by clicking here now. You will also receive my free report "The Secret To Losing Weight" if you act now!

Peter Harris is a Physical Therapist and author and writes frequently about diet, exercise and nutrition.