Have you observed someone who always seems to get the promotion or the new job opportunity?  Your first thought may be that the person is lucky, knows someone, or is kissing up to the boss.

Guess again.  The person who always seems to be vertically on the move most likely knows who they are. They have set specific career goals and are constantly strategizing.   By preparing and implementing specific tactics to reach their goals, these individuals set themselves up to move forward towards the next threshold in their career.

Of course, one needs to perform in their present role to even begin their aspiration for upward mobility.  Often, the top producer does not get the promotion or new job in or out of the organization.   This is no accident.  What you observe is a plan that is patiently executed.  You can set yourself up for success by taking control of your career by embracing the following acronym:

DIB (Decide, Identify, Begin)

1.       Decide what position you ultimately would like to secure.

2.       Identify what roles you need to perform to achieve your top role. (One cannot jump from software designer or Sales Representative to a Vice President position.)

3.       Begin networking with individuals in those roles.  Identify their accomplishments and model your success with theirs.

Once you build a rapport with individuals in roles that you desire, ask for advice and secure a mentor.  Be organized, document and follow up.  It is proven that goals have a higher percentage of execution if the owner first writes down and revisits the goals.  Keep notes on all conversations with individuals in roles you are interested, especially with mentor strategy sessions.  Take the initiative to document meeting dates, conversations, and be sure to secure future meetings.  (These meetings can be telephone conversations.)

Remember, these strategies may be applied in-house or with people outside your organization.  Don't limit yourself.  Stimulate conversations and seek mentors both in-house and outside your organization.  Be positive and don't be hesitant to step outside the box.

Lastly, do not be afraid to write articles or join a networking club.  This will sharpen your skills and you will be viewed as a leader in your field.  You are the only one that is in control of your future.  If you are waiting for the next best thing, someone else is already on their way.  Now is your time!

Author's Bio: 

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