How do free radicals relate to good health? Have you ever noticed that some people just look younger than others who are about the same age? It's not hard to figure out why that is, especially for those who are health conscious.

If you take good care of your body, your body will take care of you. Good health is not something that just happens. Those who take care of themselves tend to look better because they make the effort to care for their body both internally as well as externally.

The fact is, the healthier that you are on the inside, the slower that the aging process will catch up with you. Vitamin supplementation, exercise, plenty of water, less stress, relaxation and a healthy diet can all be contributing factors leading to either healthy aging or premature aging.

The relationship between beauty and health is a delicate one. If you want to prevent free radical damage to your body, you must first understand that these radicals are produced in the cells of your body and when this balance is disrupted.

This can occur with such things as stress and poor eating habits. You are at a greater risk of free radicals causing damage to the cells in your body when you are under a great deal of stress and not getting the proper nutrients that contain antioxidants in them to prevent damaged cells.

Genetic cell damage can be a result of excessive free radicals in your body which results in the form of wrinkled skin that looks aged. These free radicals act in a way that rust does on metal.

Think about a car that endures harsh outside environmental elements such as with cars that are subjected to the salt that is placed on the roads to melt the snow and ice for better traction. Over time, every car that is subjected to those harsh elements will begin to show rust.

With your body, it is much the same in that the free radicals essentially create oxidation inside your body. This oxidation process can lead to more serious things such as diseases like arthritis, cancer heart disease and other health issues.

Fighting these free radicals is not difficult if you take into consideration that the answer is right at tips of your fingers meaning that you have the power to choose foods that help ward off these free radicals. Simply put, your body uses compounds known as free radical scavengers that fight free radicals.

Perhaps you have heard of foods that are said to contain antioxidants. Foods like sprouts, sweet potatoes, green leafy vegetables, lentils, carrots, yellow or orange peppers, asparagus and others, contain these antioxidants and are what your body needs to help itself stay healthy. These foods contain the helpful vitamins needed to fight diseases such as vitamin C, E, A and selenium.

Ideally, we all should be eating a healthy diet enriched with 4-6 daily servings of fruits and vegetables. However, in today's busy world, many people just do not get the allotted fruits and vegetable servings that they should be getting every day.

There are things that you can do, however, to help supplement your daily intake such as greens products that provide these very antioxidants your body needs. Many of these greens products have a taste that even picky children will agree taste great.

Feeding your body what it needs is extremely important for optimal health and what you put into your body will result in both the way you feel and the way you look.

Eating a wholesome organic diet that contains fresh fruits and vegetables should be something that we all strive for. However, when eating right is not possible, vitamin supplementation can fill in the unwanted gap.

If you choose a greens product to help you with your supplementation, make sure that you choose a greens product that has the optimal amount of fruits and vegetables as many of the greens products have a great deal less than others. For optimal health, look for a product that contains at least 20 servings of fruits and vegetables for better health.

Author's Bio: 

Monty Stewart is a natural health business owner. Stewart is a fan of promoting ones optimal health through natural health supplements. Stewart also believes in natural products that preserve our precious earth. Find out more about optimal health at