Once you’ve begun to build a list, what do you do with it? How do you make money with your email list? First of all, you should have a schedule set up so that subscribers will automatically receive information, reports, and freebies from you on a regular basis. That is not to say that you should send them something every day. But every second or third day is fine.

A good subject line is very important for a successful email program. It can make the difference between 7% of your recipients opening your email and a 30% open rate. If a very small percentage of people open your emails, you probably need to work on your subject line. Make sure that you state the purpose of your email in the subject line. For instance, if you are giving them a free report, say so in your subject line. Also, try to use the recipient’s name in your subject. This goes a long way toward increasing your open rates.

It is also important that you take care of your list. Send only quality information, not junk. Don’t bombard them with ads day after day. This is a sure way to turn your list of subscribers into a list of unsubscribers. You worked hard to develop your list, treat it well and you subscribers will stay with you for a very long time.

I try to send good information to my list in the way of articles, reports or ebooks at least twice a week. In addition, I’ll send them an ad for something that I am recommending about once per week. This works out to about one email every other day. Sometimes, I will combine a freebie along with a promotion.

It is a good idea to regularly look at the response rates supplied by your autoresponder. It tells you how many recipients have opened a particular mail, how many have clicked on your links, and how many have unsubscribed. Check this data on a regular basis, If your unsubscribe numbers spike, try to figure out why. Was it during a period that you sent out more emails than normal? Was it in response to a particular product that you were promoting? Or was it for some other reason? Spend some time studying this data and you can become a much more successful email marketer.

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