In this article I will show you how to become a programmer without going to college. You can learn computer programming in your own home and begin an entry level programming job. College is a wise choice, but if you cannot afford to spend a lot of time in college before you begin your software developer career, you can study programming from experienced developers or from programming textbooks, training courses and or mentoring programs.

What Qualifications or Degrees Are Needed?
The answer to the question what qualifications or degrees are need could depend on what type of programming job you are trying to get. In general, prospective employers are really looking for people who have the ability to write efficient code over your computer programming qualifications or degree. Job hunting is always a job in itself, but if you know where to look there are many jobs in the programming job market that do not require a computer science degree or special qualification.

What Do Hiring Managers Want?
It’s very important to figure out what each employer wants from you when looking for a programming job. The consensus is that employers want to see well rounded software development skills. They expect computer programmers to be able to design and develop software applications using efficient high quality code. Whether you learned how to program from home or were taught in college or a correspondence training course, hiring managers want you to apply your development skills to solve real business problems.

It Is Easy To Study Computer Programming and Get a Job
One of the best kept advantages of becoming a computer programmer is that you can learn computer programming at home and advance your skills to a competent level without first getting a programming job. When I realized this more than 12 years ago that I could just buy a computer, connect it to the internet and learn as much programming as I wanted without having to get a job first, I was excited. Of course, I realized that I would still need to invest in programming books, software development tools, and invest in training packages that would allow me to learn programming on my own. I figured out that the total cost of my investments in computer programming training would pale in comparison to how much I would earn as a programmer and how much more time it would take me to study medicine or law in college. I took my developer training and got a well-paying contract programming job within 6 months, an opportunity I knew I would not have had with any other high paying career.

How to Begin a Software Development Career after High School?
You can get a programming job without a college degree and here’s how. You will need to communicate your programming knowledge and development experience. Knowledge and experience is the key. Show your prospective employer that you have just as much knowledge as the guy who did go to college and go into the specifics about the applications you have built using software development tools. Talk about the problems you ran into when building an application and how you solved the problems. Do all that you can to show your prospective employer that even without a college degree you are an asset to anyone who hires you!

If you want to learn more about how to begin a computer programming career, subscribe to my free newsletter at You can get the training you need to quickly become a skilled programmer, get hired more easily and gain the extra expertise needed to become a competent programmer at

Author's Bio: 

y name is Kingsley Tagbo and I'm a technical expert living in Saint Louis, Missouri. I write about the training, coaching, mentoring and personal development of software development professionals including business analysts, computer programmers, testers, project managers, web designers, data analysts, report writers, software developers and other information technology professionals.