Love handles are those rolls of fat that accumulate around the midsection of a person's body. They can develop if someone is inactive or if someone puts on a lot of weight due to pregnancy or a medical condition that causes them to miss out on regular exercise. If you want to learn how to get rid of love handles, you'll need to be willing to eat a proper diet and get regular exercise. One of the ways you can work to lose love handles is by cutting calories from your diet. If you are able to do this successfully, it will help you slim down and get rid of that fat around your waistline.

Calories and Fat Accumulation

One pound of fat is the equivalent of 3,500 calories. That means, for every pound of fat you want to lose, you need to trim 3,500 calories from your diet. When you're learning how to lose love handles, you'll find that many of the foods you eat may be high in calories without you even realizing it. For example, some frozen meals that are advertised as low fat may be low in fat but loaded with sugar, salt, and calories. Just because something is advertised as healthy for you doesn't mean it's low in calories.

Cutting Calories for Love Handle Loss

When learning how to get rid of love handles, you'll need to learn how many calories to cut and how to do so without starving yourself. The first thing you can do is cut calories by making just a few basic changes to your diet. If you normally drink one soda sweetened with sugar or high fructose corn syrup each day, switch to diet soda, sugar-free juices, or plain water to save up to 1,000 calories per week. If you frequently eat chips, candy, cookies, and other junk food, switch to low-calorie versions or replace these snacks with fruit and vegetables. All of these small changes can help you cut hundreds or even thousands of calories from your diet.

Cutting the Right Calories

When you're learning how to lose love handles, you also need to learn about how to cut the right calories. One gram of fat contains more than twice as many calories as a gram of protein or a gram of carbohydrate. This means that eating a low fat diet can help you to cut more calories, which means you will have fewer calories to accumulate in the form of love handles.

As a final comment, try to get consultation from only trusted sources of information to learn how to lose weight and stop believing what every person is telling you or whatever you read on the internet. The resources I provide below are from Certified Trainers and Nutrition Experts, so take a look below for some trusted professional advice:

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