Chances are that if you have ever wanted to loose weight, you may have read up on or even tried fad diets. The cabbage soup diet is a very well known fad diet and this might hold true for the older original version. Below, you will find great tips to bring this classic fad diet into the new millennium. This list contains the keys to jump starting your weight loss, making it possible to lose 10 pounds in just seven days.
1. When you make your cabbage soup, you can vary the taste to meet your needs.
2. Make sure that you drink at least 12 to 16 glasses of water each day as this helps to flush out the fat from your body and keep you from getting dehydrated.
3. Having a good multivitamin in your diet routine is a key factor as the minerals and vitamins help your body loose fat. When you are doing a diet such as this one, you may lack the daily required vitamins and minerals that can make your body not function at its prime.
4. You need to make sure that you keep up your protein intake so be sure to drink a protein shake in the morning and then again in the afternoon. Otherwise, your body will melt away muscle mass instead of fat.
5. Carry a thermos filled with your cabbage soup to help you in the times that you are away from home.
6. You need to keep up your metabolism so be sure to exercise as often as you can. Aim for three to four thirty minutes cardio workouts.
7. Keep a supply of soup in the refrigerator as the more soup you eat, the better fat burning effect you will have on your weight loss.
8. Be sure to stop the diet after 7 days.
9. You need to switch to a long-term diet plan after you complete the seven day diet week.
10. Try adding a slice of lemon to your water for an extra metabolism boost. If lemon and water is not your forte, then try some fruit or herbal tea.
• This in not a diet for children and adolescents. As with starting any new diet plan or exercise regimen be sure to speak with your doctor to let him know that this is just a seven day jump start for you and that you plan to follow a regular plan after that.
You see, that it is quite easy to improve your cabbage soup diet and turn it to a healthy jump starting weight loss concept.
Good luck and all the best,
Gabriela Rupp
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