When learning how to lose love handles, you need to understand what they are and how they are formed. Love handles are the fat deposits on the abdomen that can build up as excess fat accumulates on the body. There is no one pill or exercise that will get these love handles to disappear. Instead, you need to blend a proper diet with aerobic exercise and weight and resistance training to burn calories and get rid of fat all over the body. Weight and resistance training is one component of a fitness plan that can help you to get rid of these unsightly love handles.

Benefits of Weight Training for Losing your Love Handles

If you want to learn how to lose love handles, you'll need to understand how weight and resistance training can help you accomplish your goal. While aerobic exercise is the kind of exercise that will help you to burn calories and lose the most fat, weight training can also contribute to your success. Weight and resistance training helps you to build muscle, which can increase your metabolism and help you burn more calories even when you are at rest. Burning these extra calories can help increase the speed of your fat loss and make it easier to lose those love handles.

When you do weight and resistance training, you build new muscle, which can lead to a more tone appearance. Even if you cannot get your love handles to completely disappear, building your abdominal muscles can help give you a leaner appearance so that your clothes fit better and your love handles are not as noticeable.

Exercises for Losing Love Handles

Again, there is no way to spot reduce fat, so there's no special exercise to help you learn how to get rid of love handles immediately. You need to do a variety of exercises that will burn calories and fat and help you build muscle. Some of the muscles you can build while doing weight lifting and resistance training include the abdominals, obliques, biceps, triceps, quadrilaterals, and pectoral muscles.

If you are committed to learning how to lose love handles, you'll realize that you need to commit to weight and resistance training in order to burn calories and build muscle. If you stick with an exercise program, you will be able to see real results. Fortunately there are a few pretty good exercise and nutrition programs available for purchase on the internet that will definitely help you to lose belly fat and make those love handles disappear. The links I provide below are from a trusted certified trainer and nutrition expert, so check them out for some professional advice.

Author's Bio: 

Thank you for reading my article. My name is Glenn Prescot, a professional trainer and nutritionist with more than 10 years experience in the fitness industry.

Learning How To Get Rid of Love Handles is the first essential step you should take for enhancing your overall health and well-being. Try always to incorporate the proper abdominal exercises into an overall training and nutrition program as the one I suggest here . This is the best exercise and diet program on the Internet for Men and Women... PERIOD.