Impatience comes naturally to most business owners. We like taking action, being in charge, and feeling super productive.

Those are terrific traits that bring big visions into reality. But when you add impatience to the mix, it's like cruising down the highway with your foot on the brakes.

Impatience says to the universe: I'm doing everything to make this happen, but it hasn't happened yet. It hasn't happened yet... it hasn't happened yet... oh, damn -- why isn't it happening?

You can be right on the verge of a beautiful manifestation, but your attention to "it hasn't happened yet" slows it down.

Impatience removes the possibility of a peaceful heart. Impatience stubbornly ignores all the work spirit does on your behalf. You start thinking that you and your mental willpower are the cause of your success. You work harder and harder, becoming more and more impatient, and the more you struggle, the fewer results you manifest.

Consider this. If you had faith in spirit, there would be no need for impatience. Yes, I know you have bills to pay and all kinds of pressures in your life. If I know it, you can be certain spirit -- connected to you through your soul -- knows it and knows exactly what to do about it.

If you have faith that it's working for you, spirit delivers results quickly and in amazing ways.

I'm not saying the answer to impatience is to cease all work and stop desiring results. You must take action to manifest!

What I'm saying is that as you work, remember spirit is your partner. As you work, know that you are doing your best and that spirit never fails to do its best for you.

As you work, ask your soul to take care of the results. Know that your asking is answered. Work with a peaceful heart.

Author's Bio: 

Andrea Conway, M.Ed., C.C., is the law of attraction success mentor for solopreneurs and small business owners ready to make all the money they want at the business they love. Get an instant bonus e-report, "Fire Up Your Business Success Using the Law of Attraction," when you subscribe to her free e-zine at Successful Self Employment. You could qualify for a free 30-minute coaching session!

(c) Copyright Successful Self Employment | Andrea Conway