Are you hip to all the technology that's emerged in the last few years? The social media stuff? Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, Linked In, Plaxo . . . and on and on and on. It's crazy!

I've recently become more aware of these social media opportunities to communicate, and I'm learning. At the same time, I'm looking at these as a metaphor for all of us to keep current in our lives. To stay conscious. It's so easy to go on auto pilot, to get into a routine, to get into a rut. Do you find yourself doing that? It's comforting to depend on certain things staying the same every day. You don't have to recreate the wheel. You don't have to think.

Ah, but in some areas of life, that is the slippery slope. That can turn into apathy, or taking things for granted. Or taking people for granted. Or just not keeping current with our own personal growth.

Personal growth, from my point of view, is about experiencing deeper and deeper levels of awareness and freedom. I think it is New Hampshire's saying, Live Free or Die. To some extent, I think this is true for each of us. If we are not growing, we are dying. So, keeping current helps us to keep growing. A friend of mine, who has passed away, used to always greet me with, "Keep Up!" It was a reminder to pay attention and keep current.

Here are some tips to making sure you're keeping current:

• Use your life as a mirror. What are others mirroring to you? Do you need to do more of that, or let go of that?
• Let go of old ideas, beliefs and expectations that no longer serve you. You can then open to something new and more current coming into your life.
• Meditate and ask for clarity. Allow your authentic voice to speak to you in the quiet of your own heart.

There are good uses for routine in our lives. One that comes to mind is making meditation and gratitude a regular part of each day. You can stay connected to what's real and important, and open to what changes you want to make.

So, keep current. Keep up. Keep growing. And, keep loving.

Author's Bio: 

Andrea Beaulieu is a professional speaker, workshop leader, author and coach. Her "Your Authentic Voice®" programs are acclaimed as excellent tools for finding new and more creative solutions and opportunities in business and life. Your Authentic Voice™ is a registered trademark of Andrea Beaulieu Creates, LLC You can find more information at and sign up to receive your Daily Ah Ha and Ah Ha! Zine Newsletter. Also, visit her blog at to see the world through eyes of love.